Daily Archives: 05/25/2021
City admin leaving Easley for new job
EASLEY — After more than five years as Easley city administrator, Stephen Steese is leaving the city after accepting a job as Bluffton town manager last week.
Steese, who has been administrator in Easley since 2015, is scheduled to start work in Bluffton on June 14.
Steese has been part of the city during a period of growth that has no end in sight,
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Local residents urged to reduce use of plastics
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Pickens County administrator Ken Roper is asking residents to reduce their use of single-use plastics to help the county address a recycling issue.
Roper called plastics “a big, big issue that the county is dealing with” during a Facebook Live video posted to the county’s page Friday morning.
The county’s recycling centers have had “several struggles” during the pandemic, he said.
“No struggle is bigger than the issue that we’re facing with plastics,” Roper
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Easley moving to roll carts for trash
EASLEY — City officials are adopting rules regarding the use of the roll carts for trash collection instead of curbside trash bags.
Council discussed transitioning from curbside bag collection to roll carts during its May work session.
During its May 10 regular council meeting, council approved first reading of
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Ceremony to honor county’s first Vietnam War casualty
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — A special ceremony will be held the morning of Memorial Day in honor of Charles Johnson Jr., Pickens County’s first Vietnam War casualty.
During the ceremony, the roads surrounded the Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Park in Pickens will be dedicated to Johnson.
The ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. at the park, located at the corner of West Lee and South Catherine
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Pickens chamber officials present annual awards

PICKENS — The Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center recently announced the recipients of its annual awards.
Kenna Dillard was presented with the Duke Energy Citizenship and Service Award on May 14 by Duke’s Emily DeRoberts for her contributions in 2020. Dillard devoted many months and hours throughout the past year on beautification projects in downtown Pickens.
Her passion for the community and her devotion to rally volunteers for a worthy cause have not gone unnoticed. The Duke Energy Citizenship and Service Award recognizes the efforts of a person or group that
Pickens Post 11 sets events for Memorial Day weekend
PICKENS — American Legion Post 11 of Pickens has three events planned for Memorial Day weekend to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Starting this Friday, May 28, at 3:30 p.m., Legion members will be at the Pickens County Courthouse on Main Street in Pickens to post American flags along the perimeter of the courthouse lawn.
On Saturday, the members of Post 11 will be on hand at the Market at the Mill, located at 225 Pumpkintown Highway in Pickens, to hand out poppies to those
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Event planned at future vet shelter
COUNTY — Pickens County’s veterans will soon have a temporary shelter.
“This has been a vision and goal of mine for a while,” Pickens County veterans service officer Sherry Harris said. “These men and women served their country honorably, and it is up to us to take care of them in their
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UFOs, cicadas and the Wild West
Time to put a few things in context here.
Our topics for today are UFOs, zombie cicadas and Wild West gun laws.
If this column is unsettling to you, or offensive, please don’t take it too seriously. Laugh it off and go on.
I guess you’ve heard about the declassified report on “unidentified aerial phenomena” — otherwise known as UFOs — that the Pentagon is supposed to be releasing soon — or may already have released by the time you read
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Pickles, the albino ferret
Aunt May was in a panic. There was obviously something wrong with Pickles. Pickles was plucking out her beautiful white fur until only her pink skin was exposed. Her little pink eyes matched her pink skin. She was pink from head to toe. Aunt May had always denied that Pickles was an albino, because, after all, she has two black spots on her ear. Aunt May could find no veterinarian nearby who could help Pickles. It was suggested that Pickles might have fleas, but that was not the case. Meanwhile, Pickles, listless and lethargic, continued to pluck her fur.
Aunt May adopted Pickles from her son, Jonathan, when he got a job in
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Not every problem has a simple solution
It’s come to my attention that over the past few years there are a number of perfectly good gardening gloves in the basket where I keep things loosely organized for yard work.
They are usually in a loose pile stuffed in with the trowel and clippers, ant poison and miracle grow.
This spring I decided to dump everything out onto the porch floor and go through the pile to see what could still be useful and what should go. That’s when I discovered that yes, there are a lot of gardening gloves in the basket. But most of them are for the left hand only. There are only two pairs of gloves that have both left and right hand capability.
So why are there six left hand gloves with no mates?.
The right hand gloves have to be thrown away when all the fingers have holes in them and the seams come apart.
Logically, I should throw away all the mateless gloves.
But something just won’t let me do it. It probably has something to do with the line of McBride ancestors who believed nothing should be thrown out, as
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