Daily Archives: 06/29/2021
Off The Rails

Train cars derail near Norris
By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
LIBERTY — Federal investigators are still searching for answers following a train derailment on the outskirts of Norris last Wednesday.
The train, which runs on the Norfolk Southern railroad, was headed from Charlotte, N.C, to Memphis, Tenn., when the derailment happened, according to a statement from Norfolk
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DHEC pressing vaccines as Delta variant spreads
COLUMBIA — Following the CDC’s announcement that the Delta variant of COVID-19 has been classified as a Variant of Concern, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is pressing all eligible people — especially young adults — to get vaccinated.
“Only 17,000 South Carolinians age 20-24 have received at least one shot,
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Easley council votes yes on annex proposal
Residents speak out on controversial annexation
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Easley City Council members believe that 15 acres at Couch Lane and McAlister Road will be developed in the future and that annexation will give the city more control over what goes there.
During its June 14 meeting, council passed first reading of an ordinance approving the
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SWU president enters retirement

CENTRAL — Southern Wesleyan University president Todd Voss recalls the first time he visited the university, when his daughter was planning to attend as a student.
“We drove right by the campus twice before we actually saw it,” Voss said. “Now, you can’t miss it with the track and the beautiful entrance, and the trees, once
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County adding staff position at Alliance Pickens
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Pickens County Council approved expanding the staff at Alliance Pickens, the county’s economic development department, with a position focusing on small business.
Council discussed adding staff to Alliance Pickens during a special called meeting June 21 to hold third reading of the Fiscal Year 2021-22
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Officials reveal dates for tax-free weekend

COLUMBIA — The S.C. Department of Revenue (DOR) has announced the dates of August’s tax-free weekend.
Computers, clothes, school supplies and other items can be purchased free of sales tax during the 72-hour holiday that begins Friday, Aug. 6. Items can be purchased online and in-store without paying South Carolina’s 6 percent sales tax
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Supporting local newspapers

As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, there’s a sense of relief and optimism that things will return to normal. Long-awaited family gatherings, birthday parties and graduation ceremonies are finally happening in person. Sporting events have fans in the stands, airports are busy and we all are in the process of reclaiming those elements of life we’ve missed the past year.
However, with that optimism is the reality of the impact the pandemic had on local communities. Local businesses that struggled through the past year, if they were able to stay in business at all, are still trying to recover and regain lost revenues. These locally owned restaurants, shops and services are vital to our economy and provide
Five rants and ramblings
Five random ramblings, rants and things I wonder about; and one kudo:
- I understand there’s a worldwide shortage of cardboard. Whoa! How can this be? Just because every time Amazon sends my wife a bottle of fingernail polish it comes in a box big enough to hold a Fender Twin Reverb amplifier, that’s no excuse. She didn’t order that many bottles.
I have noticed lately, though, that they’ve been packing more things in big plastic envelopes. I would predict a shortage of plastic in the near future, but if that ever happens they could just reel some more in from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating accumulation of plastic that’s twice the size of Texas drifting somewhere between California and Hawaii.
- While I’m on the subject of international commerce, why don’t the Chinese break down and hire some Americans to help them write the instructions to the technical products they sell? The grammar is always atrocious, and theYou must be logged in to view this content.
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Soccer is a game changer
Peggy Alviani was president of the Latin Club in high school, and she sat behind me in geometry. She got good grades and was quiet and unpretentious. Many teachers described her as “sweet.” That is, until game time.
When Peggy pulled her long brown hair back into a ponytail and snapped her shin guards in place, she became “The Enforcer.” As the defensive back, it was her job to “sweep up” any ball that got past her soccer teammates. She would stare menacingly at the opposing team and raise her fist while quoting in Latin, “Audentes fortuna iuvat.” Nobody knew exactly what it
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Courier Obituaries 6-30-21

Samuel ‘Snake’ J. Bolding
PICKENS — Samuel “Snake” J. Bolding, 77, of Pickens, passed away on Thursday, June 24, 2021, at his home.
Born on Dec. 1, 1943, in Liberty, he a son of the late Fred Samuel Bolding and Martha Jessielene Brooks Bolding. Samuel was a fisherman and hunter and served in the United States Marine Corps as a gunnery sergeant. He was a member of the Martin School Gang and was of the Christian faith.
A loving husband, father, brother and grandfather, Samuel leaves behind to cherish his memory his wife Carolyn Brown