Monthly Archives: July 2021
Jobless rate up in Pickens County
By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — The unemployment rate in Pickens County rose for the first time in three months during the month of June, state officials said in a recent jobs report.
The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) reported that unemployment rose nearly a full percentage point from 3.3 percent in April
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County making progress on some trash, litter issues
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Pickens County efforts to address issues at the landfill, and the county’s litter problem overall, are bearing some fruit.
County administrator Ken Roper discussed trash issues during his report to county council at its July 12 meeting.
County council authorized the creation of a sort facility to “ease some of the stress on our transfer station,” Roper said.
“Our workers have been working diligently over the last several days to get
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Southern Wesleyan Ed.D. student successfully defends dissertation

CENTRAL — Dr. Sandra McLendon, dean of Southern Wesleyan University’s School of Education, celebrated the success of SWU Ed.D student Jolene Smith recently.
“Congratulations to Amber Jolene Smith, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation June 28,” McLendon said. “Her dissertation is ‘The Effect of South Carolina’s Initial Mentorship Training on the Self-Efficacy of Mentor Teachers: A Cross-sectional Research Study.’ She defended to a packed
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Easley sets roll cart fees
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — The city of Easley will provide residents’ first roll carts for trash collection at no charge, but residents will pay for additional ones, if needed.
During its July 12 regular meeting, Easley City Council unanimously approved a resolution establishing costs for additional carts.
“The first rollout cart is free,” interim city administrator Tommy Holcombe said. “The
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Easley officials approve Couch Lane annexation
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Despite some concerns over the development proposed there, Easley City Council members approved annexing 15.4 acres of property at Couch Lane and McAlister Road.
During their monthly meeting last week, council members approved the annexation
with a zoning designation of flexible review district on second reading. First reading passed last month.
Developer Mitchell Lerner has submitted plans to build more than 200 apartments on the land.
Interim city administrator Tommy Holcombe said 215 apartments are being
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All creatures great and small
My cousin Gwynne taught first grade for years and years. She taught until she was teaching the children of former students. Her students adored her.
Gwynne had a rabbit who went to school with her. His name was Hector, and he hopped around the classroom. The children enjoyed Hector and Hector, we believe, enjoyed them.
They learned what to feed him and how to be gentle with him. So when eventually, after a long and productive life, Hector died, it was a sad day for
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Summertime is hot, or maybe not
Summertime in South Carolina is hot. People cool off in swimming pools, at the beach or just sitting on a shady porch with a tall glass of iced tea — sweet, of course — to complain about the hot and humid weather. South Carolinians have always taken great pleasure grumbling about the temperature as it stretches past 90 degrees. You know, the days when your hair goes flat and makeup melts off your face.
People have become more and more obsessed about the weather. The
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Courier Obituaries 7-21-21
EASLEY — Donald Charles Raxter, 59, son of the late William Hugh Raxter and Margie Melanie Stewart Raxter, passed away on Sunday, July 11, 2021, at St. Francis Downtown Hospital in Greenville.
Mr. Raxter was a skilled woodworker, and he loved collecting arrowheads.
Don is survived by his sons, Luke Raxter (Julie) of Easley and Nicholas Raxter of Easley; grandchildren, Aaron Raxter, Lillie Raxter and Riley Ann Raxter; a brother, Steve Stephens (Debbie) of Liberty; a sister, Irene Raxter Rigby (H. Cecil)
FRA installs officers
Fleet Reserve Association Branch 15, made up of Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard veterans from Oconee and Pickens counties, installed officers and board of directors members at its meeting June 19 in Walhalla. Six Mile Mayor Roy Stoddard, a retired Navy captain, presided over the ceremony. Pictured, from left, are board members Tom Smith, Harvey Spencer and Joyce Jones, vice president Larry Jones, president Clyde Albertson, secretary/treasurer Jim Jones, board member Jimmy Hall and Stoddard.
Golf tourney set to help Lakes and Bridges Charter School
EASLEY — Lakes and Bridges Charter School will host its second annual fundraising golf tournament on Monday, Oct.18.
The second annual Tee Up for Dyslexia Fundraising Golf Tournament will be held at Southern Oaks Golf Course in Easley. Check-in will begin at 1 p.m., with a shotgun start at 2 p.m.
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