Monthly Archives: July 2021
Blondeau’s contract finalized
By Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
CLEMSON — Clemson Mayor Robert Halfacre said last week a recently finalized contract with new city administrator Andy Blondeau includes an initial annual base salary of $135,000.
“We, the City Council, are thrilled to announce the position of City Administrator has officially been filled by Andy Blondeau as the contract has been signed,” Halfacre said in an email. “He has served the city well as
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Scandals, scuffles and fireworks
Before the Revolutionary War, the colonists would celebrate the king’s birthday with the ringing of bells, bonfires and parades. However, things took an ominous turn during the summer of 1776, when the colonists celebrated by holding mock funerals for King George III instead.
John Adams fervently believed that our independence should be celebrated on July 2, and not July 4, because the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence on July 2, 1776. Two days later, on July 4, the 13 colonies
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How much does God love you?
As our spiritual values become more centered on God, it’s normal to start looking forward to our eternal existence. For those who are in Christ, how exciting it is to know that our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus, our loved ones, our new name, our glorified body, inheritance, citizenship and crowns and rewards are all a part of our glorious future.
We are briefly passing through this world, and the only thing we will take with us when we depart is an account of how we lived and loved. How wonderful to know that heaven will be filled with endless praise, everlasting
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Courier Letters to the Editor 7-7-21
Showing law enforcement appreciation
Dear Editor,
As a 73-year old Baby Boomer, I’ve seen many changes in the way Americans view things. One of the most dramatic changes is how a significant portion of our national news and social media portray our law enforcement community.
As a teenager growing up in Birmingham, Ala., my allowance was $2 a week. Receiving this sum was dependent on
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DeRoberts joins AnMed Health Board of Trustees
ANDERSON — AnMed Health announced the appointment of Emily DeRoberts to the AnMed Health Board of Trustees last month.
DeRoberts is currently the District Manager for Government and Community Relations in South Carolina for Duke Energy.
“Emily’s professional career with Duke Energy allows her to interact with a lot of different stakeholders throughout the region,” AnMed Health board chairman Terence Roberts said. “She brings that breadth of knowledge from an industry point of view that will be helpful to our board.”
“In addition to being heavily involved in economic development in the
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Serving & learning

PICKENS — From June 14-18, 23 cadets from the Pickens High School JROTC program participated in the Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge.
Consistent with the JROTC mission to “motivate young people to be better citizens,” the cadets spent an intensive week serving the community, improving their physical
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County teen completes term as SC 4-H president
By Janine Sutter
Pickens County 4-H agent
COUNTY — Pickens County 4-H has recognized Cassidy Hurst for her service as the South Carolina 4-H Teen Council President this year.
Through an unprecedentedly bizarre year, Hurst has helped her team pull together virtual leadership programs for South Carolina young people.
Junior Teen Saturday in February had an ‘80s theme that everyone enjoyed dressing up for, learning how to make slime and participating in a service
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Who are they
Officials at the Clayton Research Room at the Southern Wesleyan University Library have a collection of original pictures that they are attempting to identify. We at the Pickens County Courier thought our readers might be able to help. The two pictures include people from the Pickens County area. If you can identify any of these people, contact Mildred H. Brewer at or with the name and image number under the picture.
Community Calendar 7-7-21
• Libraries offers reading program
This year’s summer reading theme at the Pickens County Library is “Tails and Tales.” The program began on June 7 and runs until July 31. All Pickens County residents will receive a postcard in the mail. The postcard will include a list of fun activities to complete and return to the library. To complete the program, participants can choose to read 10 books, complete 10 activities or a combination of both options to total 10.
• Siren test set for July 14 near Duke
The 65 outdoor warning sirens around Oconee Nuclear Station will be tested for three minutes between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, as scheduled. To ensure they are functioning properly, it may be necessary to test some sirens more than once. For more information about the outdoor warning sirens, residents can refer to information available at
• Soapstone to hold next fish fry July 17
Soapstone Church invites everyone to a special fundraiser at the church, located at 296 Liberia Road in Pickens, on Saturday, July 17. The event will feature fine cooking and will be held from noon-8 p.m. Visitors will enjoy true Southern cooking, including a fish fry, barbecue and fried chicken with all the fixings right from Ms. Mable’s kitchen.For more information, call (864) 414-8470.
Exploring artichokes
By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
I wasn’t exposed to artichokes as a child and was in my twenties before ever tasting one. After that, there was no going back. They’re available in local grocery stores and also canned and jarred on the shelf. They add pizzazz to a salad and are delicious on their own.
The grilled artichoke recipe includes instructions on how to prepare a fresh version, and I hope you’ll try this out as well as some of the other recipes offered this week.