Monthly Archives: January 2022
Six Mile incumbents sworn in again
By Lauren Pierce
Courtesy The Journal
SIX MILE — Six Mile Town Council — again — welcomed two incumbent councilmen to another four-year term on council at last week’s council meeting.
Councilmen Jadd Smith and James Atkinson won a second and third term, respectively, in the Nov. 2 election.
Smith said his reelection was “an honor.”
“I am humbled to be able to serve the citizens of Six Mile for another four years,” he said.
His priorities for the new term involve “being the voice for the citizens” while “strengthening
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Quilting group planning yard sale
PICKENS — The UpCountry Quilt Guild will have a meeting Tuesday, Jan. 25, at 7 p.m.
The group meets at Pickens Presbyterian Church, located at 311 W. Main St. in Pickens.
This month’s meeting will be a quilters yard sale, and any interested quilters are invited to join the meeting.
Local group collecting Valentines for seniors

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — A local nonprofit is asking for help to bring some winter cheer to area seniors.
Members of Warmth and Comfort for the Elderly Upstate SC use their crochet skills to provide warm items for nursing home patients, hospice groups, home health patients and elderly people who live at home and can’t afford them.
They also hold regular donation drives.
The group needs some extra time for February’s drive, so it’s getting an early start, CEO Tammy Ferguson said.
“We will be collecting Valentine cards and hearts for our elderly in health care facilities and our shut-ins,” she said. “These cards and hearts may be homemade or purchased.”
Items can be dropped at the Pickens YMCA, in Easley at Under the Carolina Moon, Taco Taco and Earth Works Unlimited and at Front Porch Fixins in Powdersville.
The cards and hearts are needed by Feb. 10, Ferguson said.
For more information about the group, email or call (864) 668-1021.
Learn more about the group at its Facebook page.
Report: Number of human trafficking victims rose in South Carolina in 2021
STATE — Two of Pickens County’s neighboring counties — Greenville and Anderson — were among South Carolina’s top counties for reported human trafficking incidents last year.
“Human trafficking continues to plague communities across South Carolina,” S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson said Jan. 11 during a news conference to discuss the release of the South Carolina Human
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Harbor Freight Tools to open store in Easley Jan. 29
EASLEY — Harbor Freight Tools, which bills itself as America’s go-to store for quality tools at the lowest prices, will officially open its new store in Easley on Saturday, Jan. 29, at 8 a.m.
The Easley store, located at 816 Saco Lowell Road, is the 25th Harbor Freight Tools store in South Carolina. The new store will bring approximately 25-30 new jobs to the community. The store will be
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An allegorical analysis for the birds
They have kept solemn vigil over all who pass by on Calhoun Memorial Highway for lo, these many years.
And now, their exalted podium, the pedestal from which this noble assemblage has gazed upon us in majestic serenity, is gone.
I am referring, of course, to the Bodacious Birds of the Bypass, the Avian Aristocracy of Easley, the High Court of
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Birds of odd feathers can still flock together
There is a big bird feeder in the back yard hanging from a post and two smaller ones on the deck, hanging from brackets.
I keep them filled with a mix of wild bird seeds and usually have to refill them about once every four to five days.
That schedule changed drastically during the great snow storm.
The birds seem to know even before the weatherman that a storm is coming. I saw flocks of birds together in trees
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Did you feel it?
According to the South Carolina Geological Survey, it is common for South Carolina to have between six and 10 small earthquakes a year, scattered throughout the state. An ongoing sequence began in central South Carolina on Dec. 27 with a magnitude 3.3 earthquake. There have been 10 recent earthquakes ranging from a magnitude of 1.5 to 3.3. Several of the quakes have been felt locally, but none have caused damage.
Earthquakes occur when plate boundaries rub together or push against each other. Typically, one side will go down and the other side will lurch upward (that is how the mountains were created). The strange thing is that our quakes seem to be located within the plate rather than at the plate boundary. I’m not sure what that means, but
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Courier Letters to the Editor 1-19-22
Councilman on county’s road tax hike
Dear Editor,
As mentioned in last week’s Pickens County Courier, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson has weighed in on the county council’s 9.6 mill/$6 million a year road tax hike that was above the state legal limit.
Prior to his legal opinion, the county council was told and the administration and their lawyers thought the entire 9.6 mills or $6
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Courier Obituaries 1-19-22
EASLEY — Mr. Tracy Doyle Duvall, 55, husband of Charlene Evington Duvall, passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022.
Born in Greenville County, a son of the late William Doyle Duvall and the late Louise Lester Staton, Mr. Duvall was formerly employed with Rexnord Inc. for 35 years and was of the Baptist faith. Tracy loved spending time with family and friends, but his greatest love was for his family. He loved riding motorcycles and teaching his kids about hot