Monthly Archives: March 2022
Without a burden, we will not pray
The key to being a good soldier is listening carefully and being obedient. No one, especially God, wants a servant who decides to be absent without leave or who is rebellious and always wants to do things their way.
Every effective military has strict discipline for a purpose, and this is for making sure the soldier is focused on what the leader is saying. One reason for going through boot camp is to learn certain skills while training the individual to build strength so they are in excellent physical condition. Going into battle is very strenuous, and demands for each team member to be strong and confident.
But even more important than building physical endurance, their minds must be educated, transformed and
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A worthy effort
Imagine being one of the 50 or so people having lived in one community for most — if not all — of life. Now, imagine the future of the very place you call home is up for sale. You and your family are left not knowing what’s next, totally helpless and sitting on the sidelines.
There’s more to the story than just that for today’s coverage about ongoings in Central, but it’s a decent starting point.
The land on which a predominantly black neighborhood called “Head Town” sits is on the market at
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Living on Social Security benefits
We’ve now experienced our 2022 Social Security benefit amount for a couple of months, the 5.9 percent increase. How are you doing?
The problem is that the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) is calculated from July to September the year before. Yes, prices were inching up then, but by December, we were seeing the writing on the wall when the annual Consumer Price Index was already up 7 percent.
Add to that the hefty Medicare Part B increase to cover the cost of Aduhelm, the Alzheimer’s drug most of us
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Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry graduates from Advanced Municipal Elected Officials Institute

PICKENS — Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry has graduated from the Advanced Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government.
Graduates received their certificates during the Municipal Association of South Carolina’s Hometown Legislative Action Day in February.
The Municipal Association offers the Advanced Institute exclusively to graduates of the Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government. Created in 2014, the Advanced Institute provides elected officials with continuing education through classroom instruction and interaction with experienced peers.
“The Advanced Institute allows mayors and councilmembers to explore in depth many governance topics that can make them more effective leaders for their cities and towns,” said Urica Floyd, staff associate for distance learning for the Municipal Association.
Graduating officials have participated in at least four of six courses to graduate from the Advanced Institute. Topics include public safety, budgeting, utilities, advocacy, economic development and governance.
The Advanced Institute draws its faculty from South Carolina and across the country, including recognized local government leaders, state officials, as well as college and university faculty.
Established in 1986, the Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government is a program of the Municipal Association of South Carolina. It gives municipal officials a strong foundation in the operation of municipal government.
The Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government is one of many educational and training opportunities that the Municipal Association offers for the elected officials and staff serving cities and towns. Learn more at (keyword: education and training).
Member of the Month
The Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce recently named Holly Springs Country Store and Cafe as its Member of the Month. The business is located at the corner of S.C. Scenic Highway 11 and U.S. Highway 178. The store is open Monday-Saturday from 6 a.m.-7:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. The cafe offers a full country breakfast, lunch and more and is located inside the convenience store and gas station. Bill Rivers bought Holly Springs Country Store from Mendel Stewart in 1982 after retiring from the Air Force. In 2007, Cameron Rivers, Bill’s son, became the owner and operator of the store. Pictured are Paula Rivers, Cole Rivers, Marcell Harding, Cameron Rivers, Debbie Gravely and Bryan Owens.
Community Calendar 3-30-22
• Easley Museum to open on 1st Fridays
The Easley Area Museum has expanded hours of operation that will now include the first Friday of each month. Starting April 1, the museum will be open to the public from 1-5 p.m. Normal hours will continue for every Saturday and Sunday from 1-5 p m. or by appointment.
• Hagood Center to host gospel singing
Hagood Community Center will hold its first musical fundraising concert of the year next month.
Will Brothers and Friends will be performing at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 30, in the auditorium. The event is called the Early Spring Jam and is set to feature a
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Who are they?
Officials at the Clayton Research Room at the Southern Wesleyan University Library have a collection of original pictures that they are attempting to identify. We at the Pickens County Courier thought our readers might be able to help. The two pictures include people from the Pickens County area. If you can identify any of these people, contact Mildred H. Brewer at or with the name and image number under the picture.
Favorites of the first ladies

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
The recipes of former first ladies featured this week are as varied as the first ladies themselves.
Bess Truman was a devoted wife and mother and came from a solid middle-class background as did Harry. Her Arkansas Pudding is easy, sweet and delicious and was reportedly a favorite of the president.
Mamie Eisenhower was a career Army wife who was reported to be intent on cutting down on food expense in the White House. She advised the chef to use cake mixes and Jell-O rather than preparing elaborate dishes for the family. This fudge recipe is simple and was loved.
Jackie Kennedy grew up among among the privileged, mand her tastes were more sophisticated than some of the other first ladies. The poached salmon was among her favorites and was prepared often by the White House chef.
Lady Bird Johson was a popular first lady who supported her husband and her daughters. She was famous for this popular lemon pound cake.
Courier Classifieds 3-30-22
Up to $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED Life Insurance! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company – 855-837-7719 or visit SW
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