Monthly Archives: March 2022
Bowick, Dykes receive Quilts of Valor

EASLEY — Veterans Dr. Hubert Bowick and Kent Dykes were awarded prestigious Quilts of Valor at the American Legion Post 52 meeting on Feb. 22.
Presenting the handmade quilts were Linda Hall and Ronny Hall, representatives of the Quilts of Valor Foundation. Information about the Quilts of Valor program can be found at
Bowick graduated from Clemson in 1944 and immediately went to Army Officers Candidate School. He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in 1945 and served in
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Scout canned food drive helps feed those in need
The annual Boy Scout community canned food drive on March 5 was a great success with more than 2,348 items collected and donated to the Gleaning House Food Pantry. The event was sponsored by Scout Troop 51 and Cub Scout Pack 51 and held at the Pickens Amphitheater. Organizations participating in this year’s event were Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church, Smith Chapel, Pickens Garden Club and Grace United Methodist Church. The Scouts thank all organizations who participated and look forward to an even bigger event next year. Pictured here with the trailer full of cans and truckload full of mac and cheese are Scouts Henry Chapman, Jacob Santaler, Isaac Cantrell and Lake Looper, Cub Scouts Micah Thompson and Taylor Sosbee and Scout leaders Jerry Seay, Perry Gravely and Mike Ralston.
Nexus Chiro now open
Nexus Chiropractic held its formal grand opening recently on Main Street in Pickens. On hand for the evnet were Dr. Tiffany Orcena, massage therapist Karsen Brown, friends, family and members of the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce and community. Nexus Chiropratic is located at 209 E. Main St. in Pickens. Nexus Chiropractic’s mission is to help community members be in their best health by helping them to attain and maintain their optimal physical well-being.
Zing into spring with lime
By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
Lime flavors can’t be confused with other citrus fruits, because their zesty flavor is unique.
Lime juice on its own can pucker your whole mouth. Add some sugar, and lime juice will make the juice sing.
Although this week’s recipes focus primarily on desserts, I hope one of these will appear on your table as a nice surprise. Enjoy.
Courier Classifieds 3-16-22
Contents of storage unit N and O located on Massingale Lane, Easley, SC 29642. Rent to Madeline Tanner will be disposed of if rent is not paid by March 24, 2022. 3/16, 23
Mar. 16, 23
Up to $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED Life Insurance! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company – 855-837-7719 or visit SW
TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional online at CTI! Get Trained,
Courier Trespass Notices 3-16-22
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing. All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in
Courier Notice to Creditors 3-16-22
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight
Courier Legal Notices 3-16-22
CASE NUMBER: 2022ES3900133
On Feb. 24, 2022 Application/Petition was made to the Probate Court of Pickens County at 222 MCDANIEL AVE.,
Lions’ Taylor named North-South all-star
CENTRAL — The South Carolina Basketball Coaches Association announced Friday that Daniel High School senior Bobby Taylor has been selected to take part in the 73rd annual North-South Basketball All-Star Game.
Previously announced as an all-state selection, Taylor was critical in leading the Lions into the third round of the playoffs this season,
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where they fell to eventual Class 3A state champion Blue Ridge.
Taylor, a guard, averaged 16.6 points, 5.1 assists, 3.3 rebounds and 2.2 steals per contest this season.
The North-South game is scheduled for Saturday at Brookland-Cayce High School in Cayce, with the girls’ game set for 1 p.m., followed by the boys’ game at 3 p.m. Tickets — which are $10 for those ages 6 and older — are available at