Monthly Archives: May 2022
Trespass Notices 6-1-22
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing. All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned:
Clarence and Violet Simmons May 2022
Courier Notice to Creditors 6-1-22
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the
Courier Legal Notices 6-1-22
Case No. 2021-CP-39-00052
BY VIRTUE of a decree heretofore granted in the case of Estate of Billy L. Hicks and Cindy P. Hicks v. Zachary Derrick, Nikki Derrick, 1st Franklin Financial, Credit Central, and RMC Financial Services, Case No. 2021-CP-39-00052, I, the undersigned Special Referee, or my Designee, for Pickens County, will sell on June 6, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at the Pickens County Courthouse in Pickens, SC, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit:
ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, being shown and designated as Lot 50,
Pickens High honors Virgil

By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Some names are synonymous with Pickens High School athletics.
Peggy Anthony won nine state volleyball championships and Bill Isaacs lead the Blue Flame football team to a 57-game regular-season winning streak, and the school paid tribute to the two by renaming the gymnasium and football field after them.
After a ceremony on Saturday, longtime Pickens coach Andy Virgil joins the ranks of those Pickens legends, with the weight room at the school now dedicated in his honor.
Virgil, who coached the Pickens JV boys’ basketball, boys’ track and field and tennis teams, is best
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Settlement ends coal ash battle
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — The settlement of a longstanding lawsuit between Pickens County and MRR will see the creation of a landfill in Liberty, but one that will not hold coal ash or hazardous waste.
County council approved the settlement May 16, and officials announced its details at a press conference held May 18.
“It is a bright day in Pickens County,” county administrator Ken Roper said. “A day that’s been long coming, lots of twists and turns. We’re here this morning to announce — happily, proudly, excitedly
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What was this fight all about?

At last, the long and winding road comes to an end. Pickens County’s fight to keep coal ash from being dumped here is over.
Actually, that fight was over a long time ago. The legal dispute with a North Carolina-based company called MRR Pickens LLC has dragged on quietly for more than six years after our legislative delegation succeeded in passing a law preventing the potentially hazardous material from being disposed of in the type of landfill Pickens County allows.
So what was the big fight that ended up costing the county several million dollars to settle about?
It was about lack of communication, or miscommunication, or — in the view of the county — intentional deceit. And about a
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Police: Woman shot man in back
CENTRAL — A 45-year-old Cleveland woman faces multiple charges in connection with a shooting on May 17 in Central.
Jonie Ann Bridwell is charged with attempted murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime, according to a release from Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Chuck James.
Deputies responded to 127 Tankersley Drive on May 17 after a call about a
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Graduations this weekend
CLEMSON — More than 1,000 Pickens County high school seniors will cross a stage into their future at graduation ceremonies at Clemson’s Littlejohn Coliseum on Saturday.
The 255 members of Pickens High School’s Class of 2022 will open the day with their commencement at 9 a.m. Led by valedictorian Anna Elizabeth Duncan
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Man arrested near elementary school
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Several Pickens schools were placed in lockdown Thursday afternoon after a man was seen near Hagood Elementary School with what was originally believed to be a gun.
The incident occurred at 1:04 p.m., according to a release from the Pickens Police Department.
Pickens Police Chief Randal Beach said an elementary school student spotted the man in the woodline near Hagood Elementary School and “did the right thing.”
“They saw something,” he said. “They believed that they saw a firearm in the person’s hand. The student did the
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Historic Green Wave season comes to an end against York

By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Falling behind 5-0 in the fourth inning against York on May 18, the Easley Green Wave softball team seemed to have lost all the momentum they had built on their historic playoff run.
However, the Green Wave proved to have much of the same fight that brought them to that point down the stretch, with senior Maggie Spence cutting the Cougar lead to just two runs as the teams entered the final frame.
Heading to bat in the bottom of the seventh with the game on the line, Easley went down in order to end its season in a 5-3 loss.
“I’m proud of them. They didn’t give up,” Easley head coach Trish Spence said after the game, fighting
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