Monthly Archives: June 2022
Man gets 28 years in state prison on trafficking charges
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — An Easley man has been sentenced to 28 years in prison.
Braylon Lamar Morris, 36, was convicted earlier this month of multiple drug and weapons charges, according to a release from the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office.
A joint investigation between the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office’s Special
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Culler named as Daniel principal

Former Easley High leader will serve on interim basis
CENTRAL — Gary Culler’s retirement didn’t last long.
The former Easley High School principal was chosen as the interim principal at Daniel High School for the 2022-23 school year, the School District of Pickens County announced Sunday.
Culler will step in for outgoing principal Shannon Sharkey, who is now the district’s assistant
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AnMed again requiring masks
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
UPSTATE — Beginning this Thursday, June 23, patients and visitors to AnMed Health facilities — including AnMed Health Cannon Hospital in Pickens — will be once again required to wear masks.
The masking policy’s return was announced Monday on AnMed
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Duke Energy, county officials set to test sirens around nuclear station
SENECA — The outdoor warning sirens around Oconee Nuclear Station will be tested multiple times during the week of June 28.
The testing is necessary to close out a recent upgrade project on the sirens. A select, limited number of sirens will be tested using
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SC Human Trafficking Task Force gets first state funds
STATE — South Carolina’s Human Trafficking Task Force has received its first financial allocation from the General Assembly, S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson announced Friday.
The South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force, formed in 2012, works to prevent the crime, protect communities and prosecute offenders
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Lollis ready to get to work after election victory
By Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
PICKENS — Fresh off his victory over Phillip Bowers in last week’s Pickens County Council District 2 Republican primary, political newcomer Chris Lollis said he is grateful and looking forward to working toward bringing his campaign goals to fruition in January.
“I would like to thank everyone who heard our message and voted over the
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The District 1 county council race where Democrat Claiborne Linvill will face Republican Brad White for the right to represent the Clemson area in January won’t happen until November, as both candidates were unopposed in their respective party primaries last week. The winner will succeed Ensley Feemster, who decided against running for a third term.
Mind on marinara and macroeconomics
I was driving over to the Olive Garden in Greenville the other day, because somebody at our house thinks there’s something really special about their marinara sauce.
As I drove along, thoughts began to ramble through my brain.
Thoughts about things like the high price of gas, inflation, the stock market and the political turmoil swirling around those issues.
Most of which makes very little sense.
For example:
It’s being said that the inflation we’re experiencing is largely the result of
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Who will help me pick my beans?
You probably remember the story of the little red hen who was such a hard worker in making sure her baby chicks had bread to eat.
She faced many challenges in producing a crop of wheat to be ground into flour to be made into bread.
I’m forced to make a comparison to the agriculture industry today.
There’s always a lot of trash talk going on about immigration and how
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Time to support local news is now
Congress has an opportunity to pass legislation that benefits all local citizens, businesses and even protects our democracy. The Local Journalism Sustainability Act, LJSA for short, should be included as part of any upcoming reconciliation bill that Congress is considering. The LJSA is a well-thought-out bill that would provide needed support to local news organizations, including local newspapers, to ensure their viability as they continue to make progress toward a digital future.
Many members of Congress have seen what happens when a newspaper closes in their district, and they see the impact it has on the community. That is why many of our leaders, including Sens. Cantwell, Schumer, Manchin, Wyden and others have stepped up in
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Knowing when to hold on and when to let go
When it comes to being knowledgeable, it’s not how much we know, but how much we understand. It’s one thing to have bags of information seeds stacked up in the barns of our minds, but more importantly, how many seeds of truth have been planted and nurtured to take root within our conscience?
Even the devil himself has more knowledge about God than the
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