Daily Archives: 12/20/2022
The Reason For The Season

Our Gift to you this Christmas season!
We at the Pickens County Courier thought the Christmas season would be a perfect time to show you the love we feel for all of you and the amazing love we get in return.
Christmas is a time of giving. So this year, we are offering the Pickens County Courier Christmas edition to all exactly how it is printed. This issue, shown below, shows the talent and hard work of our staff, the incredible support of our advertisers and community and most of all “THE REASON FOR SEASON.”
Pickens County is like no other place in the world. All in this the community gladly lend a hand when it is needed with none expecting anything in return.
From our subscribers, to those that rush out each Wednesday to grab an issue, to the thousands that purchase ads, to those that send in stories and take pictures for the paper. The Courier is just as much all of your newspaper as it is ours. We are not a company that owns 100 papers. There are just a handful of us as many of you know. But what gives us strength, is the community around us and all those that give of themselves to make the Courier the area’s only true community newspaper. We are locally owned and always will be. Because The Courier is Pickens County’s Newspaper just as Pickens County is our home.
Enjoys this issue and thank you for making PICKENS COUNTY’S FAVORITE NEWSPAPER possible!! Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.
–Rocky Nimmons/Publisher