Monthly Archives: December 2022
Grand opening
Dalton Jewelry & Co. LLC held its formal grand opening on Saturday. For almost 39 years, Spencer Dalton was the jeweler at the former Solid Gold. He has been blessed with clientele from many states in the U.S. Joel and Doris Dalton were the original owners. Spencer and his family want to carry on the legacy that his parents started. “I have been so humbled by the trust and loyalty from my customers,” Spencer said. “God has been so gracious to me and my family.” The store offers a beautiful selection of jewelry. Gift certificates are available. Dalton Jewelry’s hours are Monday-Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The new location is at 1897C Gentry Memorial Highway in Easley. Pictured are, back row, from left, Jason Dalton, Clifton Welborn, Shana Dalton, Storie Welborn, Tracy Collier, Sami Turner and Sandy Anderson. In front are Braylon Edwards, Braxton Edwards, Madison Durham, Angela Dalton, Spencer Dalton, Libby Dalton and Charles Dalton.
Officials urge residents to get shots amid ‘worst flu season in 10 years’
COLUMBIA — As part of National Influenza Vaccination Week, which was last week, the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) encouraged residents to get their flu shots during what it termed the “worst flu season in 10 years.”
“South Carolina is currently having its most active flu season of the last decade, making it more important than usual to get a safe and effective flu shot,” the agency said in a news release.
DHEC urges eligible residents to get their annual shot as soon as possible.
“A high level of flu activity started much earlier this flu season than it usually does, and its impact on South Carolina communities has been compounded by the rise
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Celtic Christmas planned at Hagood Mill

PICKENS — The music of the Appalachian region was heavily influenced by the influx of Scotch and Irish immigrants, and this influence has been integral in the development of American folk music traditions.
With Christmas approaching and the New Year beckoning, it is time once again to honor the musical traditions of the area by listening to songs of the season. A local seasonal musical tradition is the Ed
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Saitta talks Highway 11 ordinance
As you may have read or saw on TV, there was a final vote on Scenic Highway 11.
I’m calling this plan passed by the council 5-to-1 (I voted “No”) “The Highway 11 Land Development Act of 2022.” Our section of Highway 11 will end up looking like Oconee’s Highway 11 in a matter of time, sad to say.
The council plan does very little to protect the beauty of the highway, as it allows manufacturing, commercial and subdivision development all along Highway 11. Really, it just controls the look of those things.
The dollar stores will be built; they’ll just have to look like a tree. The storage facilities, too; they’ll just have to look like the side of a mountain.
If you went to the public meetings or talked to those who live on the highway, an overwhelming majority oppose new
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Courier Letters to the Editor 12-14-22
Dear Editor,
I know people will be leaving their homes to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, so here are just a few ways to secure your home. Burglar alarms are the best option, but you can add fire alarms and even surveillance cameras if you want to.
I have personal experience with a burglary during the early morning while sleeping. A burglar got the front door open by prying it open. This set off the alarm, which made them run off. Don’t advertise your house — for example, mailbox overfilled, thrown-out papers on the driveway. I have seen this in my 28 years of law
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Wrong shall fail and right prevail
Most people have read or at least heard of a man named Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-82).
He was a literary giant in his lifetime and is still known today in many circles as “The Children’s Poet,” and several schools around our nation are named in his honor. You may remember some of his original works, which include “Paul Revere’s Ride,” “The Song of Hiawatha” and “Evangeline,” and he was the first American to completely translate Dante
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The joys of the food bank
A few months ago I escorted three very nervous elderly ladies to the food bank. By “escorted,” I mean I had to scout out the situation in advance, come back with a report (no, the food bank staff wouldn’t ask embarrassing questions about finances) and then actually take the
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Courier Obituaries 12-14-22
PICKENS — Ralph John Anderson, 86, went to be with the Lord on Dec. 5, 2022.
Born in Oak Park, Ill., he was the second of three children born to Signe and Axel Anderson. As a very young boy, he enjoyed sketching and drawing pictures and participating in his lifelong favorite sport of tennis.
Following his graduation from high school, he joined his father’s vocation of house painting. Ralph attended Washburn Trade School and then furthered his education at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. Upon completion of his studies, he obtained work with a motion picture company as an artist. His work continued until he joined the United States Army. He trained as a Signal Corps radio operator, and after serving for six years, including Army Reserve time,
Christmas Calendar 2022
• Christmas carol concert scheduled
The Old Market Amphitheater in Easley will host a Christmas carol concert at 6 p.m. this Friday, Dec. 16, where various singing groups will come together, while children will have festive activities to participate in.
• Pickens firefighters planning parade
Although the city has already held its annual parade, as the Christmas holiday grows closer, the Pickens Fire Department plans on doing an “Around Town” Parade, along Main Street in Pickens, starting at 3 p.m. this Sunday, Dec. 18.