Monthly Archives: June 2023
Gearing Up

Pickens preps for Trump’s visit Saturday
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — The city of Pickens has announced the street closures for former President Donald Trump’s campaign event in town this Saturday.
Officials posted closure information on the city’s Facebook page.
Beginning at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 29, East Main Street will be closed from the
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Clarke honored with prestigious historic award

COLUMBIA — Mable Owens Clarke, a Pickens County native and descendent of slaves, is known as many things.
A chef featured in Eating-Well magazine, which chronicled the “miracle of the fish fry” and her favorite recipes. A deacon in the small African American church that sits on lands donated by her great-grandparents. A prolific storyteller. A world-class hugger. A winner of the Order of the
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Pair arrested after traffic stop

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Two people face charges after police said a traffic stop revealed the vehicle they were in had been stolen.
According to a release issued Monday by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office, the agency’s Community Action Team conducted a traffic stop
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Easley breaks ground on greenway

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — The city of Easley officially broke ground on a new trail earlier this month, one whose conception actually predates several other recreational amenities in the city.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held June 19 for the first phase of the Brushy Creek Greenway, which will connect Pearson Road and the
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Future of food — ‘Meat Without A Mama?’
Are you ready for fake meat?
I know, “fake meat” has been around for a while already, but it was just soybeans, pretending.
I’m talking about real fake meat!
Phony baloney.
I know, it doesn’t make any sense.
But can you believe the U.S. Department of Agriculture has just approved the production of
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Bad boys: Whatcha gonna do?
Alexander Hamilton, by today’s standards, would be considered “hot.” He had reddish-brown hair and deep blue eyes. Benjamin Franklin, who was 50 years older, was the only other Founding Father with that special ability to set young women’s hearts aflutter. Hamilton was also intelligent. He graduated from Columbia University and was admitted to the New York Bar.
Hamilton was the dashing and handsome hero of the Revolutionary War. He was captain of an artillery company and led his men on a surprise assault of a British fortification. One moonless
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The purpose of God’s covenant
The concept and importance of God’s covenant recurs throughout history. Its repetition emphasizes its critical importance in our relationship with God.
In a religious context, such as in the Bible (Judaism and Christianity), as well as in the other Abrahamic faiths (Islam and the Baha’i Faith), God’s covenant explains and defines the nature
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Courier Letters to the Editor
History will have the final say
Dear Editor,
The game of politics is often played by those adept at promoting their own interests under the guise of public service. Some of the greatest con artists of all time have romped across the nation mouthing platitudes, but their words mean nothing.
Learning that Donald Trump, the moving force behind a failed coup, is to be the honored guest of the city of Pickens in celebration of
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Courier Obituaries 6-28-23
Independence Day events planned across county

COUNTY — Pickens County is celebrating Independence Day with a number of events this week.
Central Main Street will celebrate Independence Day from 9 a.m.-noon this Saturday, July 1, on Main Street in Central. The event will feature a bike parade, live music from Cane Creek Bluegrass Band, an apple pie contest, a red, white and beard contest and more.
The city of Easley is throwing a three-day July 4 festival featuring live music Sunday through Tuesday at Old Market Square.
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