Monthly Archives: July 2023

5 savvy tips for a smooth transition
Balancing schedules, supplies shopping, meal planning and more can make the back-to-school season one of the most hectic times of the year. Keeping stress at bay may be a little easier when you put a plan in place the entire family can follow.
Remember, making the transition as smooth as possible requires a team effort. Help make a new academic year easier on your little ones (and yourself) with these hacks.
Start Your Routines
Getting your kids into their school day routines may be a massive undertaking, but it’s often helpful to start weeks before the first bell rings. Set those alarms and encourage kiddos to treat each morning as if they’re going to class. In the evenings, practice prepping backpacks and outfits just as you would during the school year, and ensure children are going to sleep at the times they should on school nights.
Simplify School Lunches
Prepping lunchboxes to send to school doesn’t need to be a time-consuming affair. In fact, it can be one of the easiest parts of your routine with prepackaged options that help make packing lunches a breeze. Seek out solutions that help simplify the process, like string cheese, yogurt, school-safe nut butter snacks and granola bars.
Prep the Night Before
Stressful mornings can lead to less productive days. Instead, simplify mornings as much as possible by packing backpacks, prepping lunches and planning outfits in the evenings to save yourself time once that alarm goes off. Plus, you may be less likely to forget essentials like homework assignments or permission slips when you’re not in a rush.
Serve Nutritional After-School Snacks
Skip the temptation to stock the pantry with sugary grab-and-go treats. Instead, encourage good nutritional choices for your children after a day of learning by offering them healthier snacking solutions. For example, pairing cottage cheese with crackers or fresh fruit provides a protein punch without the added sugar of less healthy snack choices to keep little tummies full until it’s time for a family meal.
Create a Family Calendar
The school year certainly isn’t the only time that calendars feel like they’re bursting at the seams, but the addition of after-school activities, field trips, parent-teacher conferences and more can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared. Find a scheduling solution that works for your family, whether it’s a dry-erase board in a mudroom or magnetic calendar on the fridge. Stay on top of upcoming events and activities by sitting down together once a week (or more) to write down everyone’s commitments and track important dates.
— Family Features
What parents can do to be more involved
Parents can make every effort to encourage children to make the most of the school experience, including academics and extracurricular activities. Though students’ level of engagement is ultimately up to them, parental involvement at school can be crucial for students’ success.
According to the National Education Council, when parents get involved in their children’s education, those children are more likely to do
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Scout Troop 51 enjoy summer camp
Members of Scout Troop 51 recently had a great week at summer camp at Camp Old Indian. They completed 22 merit badges and started on many more. First-year Scouts completed the Pathfinder program to gain basic Scouting skills.
Member of the month
GG’s Embroidery, located at 135 W. Main St. in Pickens, was recently named as the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce member of the month. GG’s Embroidery is open Tuesdays 1-6 p.m., Wednesday through Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. GG’s Embroidery is a unique shop filled with home décor, baby and children clothing and more. The store offers special embroidery and monogramming for all sorts of items. Visit or Facebook search GGsEmbroideryPickens for more information, class schedule, specials and deals. Pictured, from left, are Emma Lum, Rachael Lum and Kathy Lum.
Mavis open in Pickens
Mavis Tire and Brakes held its grand opening recently in Pickens. The new tire shop, located beside Burger King on U.S. Highway 178, is excited to be in Pickens, and the staff is looking forward to seeing business continue to grow. Pictured, from left, are assistant manager Abe Santiago, Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry, store manager Everett Monath, assistant manager Chris Dryman, assistant manager Justin Coates, and Pickens City Councilwoman Lois Porter.
Community Calendar 7-19-23
• Upcountry Quilters meet 4th Tuesdays
Upcountry Quilters Guild has set meeting times on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Pickens Presbyterian Church, 311 W. Main St., Pickens, SC 29671. All visitors are welcome.
For more information, visit
• Hagood-Mauldin House offers tours
The historic Hagood-Mauldin House, located at 104 N Lewis St. at Legacy Square in Pickens, is now offering free tours to the public. The
Courier Classifieds 7-19-23
DONATE YOUR CAR TO KIDS. Your donation helps fund the search for missing children. Accepting Trucks, Motorcycles & RV’s , too! Fast Free Pickup – Running or Not – 24 Hour Response – Maximum Tax Donation – Call (888) 515-3810.
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance – NOT just a
Courier Trespass Notices 7-19-23
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing. All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned:
Treadwell and Erica Zieigler June 2023