Daily Archives: 09/19/2023
Cornell Dublilier to be sold

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
LIBERTY – Capacitor manufacturer Cornell Dubilier is set to be acquired by another company, with the $243 million deal expected to close at the end of this year.
Knowles Corporation announced in a press release issued Monday that it has
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SDPC reveals award winners
PICKENS — Two employees of the School District of Pickens County (SDPC) were honored for their service earlier this month at the SDPC’s 2023 Support Employee and Teacher of the Year Banquet.
Kim Wilson, a teacher at Ambler Elementary, and Chris McConnell, Coordinator of Grounds for the Operations department in the SDPC,
were announced as the winners of the 2023-2024 School District of Pickens County Teacher of the Year and SDPC Support Employee of the Year at the banquet on Monday, Sept. 11.
According to a release from the District, Wilson is a valuable member of the
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Six Mile man gets 1 year for tax crime
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
SIX MILE — A Six Mile man has been sentenced to prison for furnishing a false tax document to the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR).
Ricardo Antonio Ramos, 27, was arrested by SCDOR agents in November 2020 and charged with one count of furnishing a false tax document and one count of forgery, according to a
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Hampton receives national recognition
By Ann Warmuth
Special to the Courier
COUNTY — Captain Kimberly Nicole Hampton has been honored as a 1923 Woman in American History, awarded annually by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). DAR’s Women in American History recognition honors the role of women, past and present, in American history.
Dianne Crooks, chairperson of the Fort Prince George DAR American
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Second annual Barn, Boots and Brew scheduled for next week

EASLEY — Family Promise of Pickens County is set to present its annual Barn, Boots and Brew and Silent Auction on Sept. 26.
The event will be held at Arabella Farm, located at 125 Buck Ridge Road in Sunset, and is sponsored by Cornell Dubilier, Jack’s Parlour and Sealevel Systems.
The event will include appetizers, Nashville-style BBQ, dessert and beverages, including a cash bar. Highlights of the evening will be line
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Should you fear the Reaper?
This is going to end up being a cautionary tale, so please read to the end.
I grew some Carolina Reapers this year. Hottest peppers on the planet, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
I used to wonder why anyone would want to grow them, because at 1,641,000 on the Scoville
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Blessed are the peacemakers
In the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 5, we read, “How blessed are those of a gentle spirit…those who show mercy…those whose hearts are pure…[and] how blessed are the peacemakers.”
Gentleness, mercy and purity of heart — how are these beautiful qualities related to peace? By linking these qualities together, Christ is laying the spiritual foundation of moral being and action, and giving us the vison of how to create peace. Through the power of His sovereignty and
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Courier Letter’s to the Editor
Taking on the fentanyl crisis in US
Dear Editor,
On Aug. 31, my family and I attended a prayer vigil at the Pickens County Courthouse steps to commemorate those who have died from an overdose of the drug fentanyl. There were about 100 people in attendance. Most of the attendees have lost someone to an overdose of fentanyl. One of the speakers was a narcotics officer who said that about 200 people in America die from fentanyl overdose every day. My
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2023 South Carolina State Fiddling Championship winners announced

PICKENS — The hills were alive with the sounds of traditional Appalachian Mountain music at Hagood Mill in Pickens, SC on September 15 and 16. This year’s annual Old-Time Fiddling Convention and the South Carolina State Fiddling Championships didn’t skip a beat and were held outdoors on this lovely 52-acre historic site.
Awards were given out to Youth (16 and under) and Adults which included cash prizes, ribbons, and plaques. The top three SC Fiddling Champions were also awarded beautiful first, second and third place trophy cups.
Winners for the event included: Adult Fiddle and SC State Champions, first place
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Courier Community Calendar 9-20-23
• Amazing Grace to host homecoming
On Oct. 1, Amazing Grace Fellowship will be celebrating homecoming. Amazing Grace Fellowship is located at 229 Pearl St. in Pickens. EDIFY will be singing during the Sunday School Hour starting at 10:15 a.m. The Rev. Roger Stephens will be the special speaker, followed by dinner in the fellowship building. Pastor Doug Saylors and the congregation invite everyone to join them for this time of worship.