Daily Archives: 11/07/2023
Panthers’ Wiliams to host Thanksgiving dinner giveaway
CLEMSON — Former Clemson Football standout and current Carolina Panthers defensive tackle, DeShawn Willams, is set to host aheartwarming Thanksgiving dinner giveaway on Tuesday, November 14th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The event will take place at the Littlejohn
Community Center, located at 644 Old Greenville Hwy, Clemson., SC 29631. This event is open to families in the SHARE Head Start-Clemson and Littlejohn Community Center Afterschool
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DAR’s National Day of Service
As part of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) National Day of Service, Fort Prince George Easley Chapter members took student school supplies and staff thank you baskets to Lakes and Bridges Charter School, Liberty Primary School and Pickens Elementary School. Each school received baked goodies and health bars, along with educational supplies. “Our chapter loves to surprise the schools,” said community classroom committee chair Darlene Levy, who organized the event. Pictured above, Liberty Primary assistant principal Joy Ellison, Carolyn Nations, Darlene Levy and school counselor Tina Kelly are shown with the goodies the school received. At lower left, DAR members Joyce Hansel and Harriet Nash at Lakes and Bridges Charter School, and at lower right, Pickens Elementary assistant principal Lacey Rogers, Teresa Efant, Darlene Levy, Lana Beckley, Carolyn Nations and Harriet Nash speak during the DAR visit.
Courier Letters to the Editor 11-8-23
Honoring the elderly
Dear Editor,
The Bible says, “Once a man, but twice a child.”
I was thinking about that the other day. When you are a child and say or do anything silly or embarrassing, it’s overlooked. Same for when you get old.
It’s like, “Y’all excuse Daddy, he’s getting old.” To which you might reply, “Old? What do you mean old? I changed your diaper when you were
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New businesses open

The Gentry Place apartments are now officially open at 144 Aspen Way in Pickens. The spacious two- and three-bedroom apartments feature new appliances in an open kitchen, cozy living rooms and walk-in closets inside the primary bedrooms. For more information, visit gentryplaceapts.com. Pictured are Bryan Owens of the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce, Chris Clemmons of First Bank, Jerry Roberts, previous owner of the land, Hugh Latimer, Pickens City Councilwoman Lois Porter, Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry, Charlie Irick of Fitch Irick, Todd Latiff of S.C. Housing, Mike Osman of Steele Group Architects, Jay Bernstein of Fitch Irick and Will McCauley of Creative Builders.
The Porkette, also know as the Parkette, recently held the grand opening for its new, larger location at 103 W. Main St. in Pickens. The barbecue resturant and catering service is open for lunch from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, for dinner 5-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday for dine-in or takeout. Pictured are Tod Trusty, Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry, the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce’s Bryan Owens, Pickens City Councilman Isaiah Scipio, Katherine Chen, Beth Vlener, owner Chris Durham, Britany Chapman, Pickens City Councilwoman Lois Porter, Haley Collier, Brielle Adams and Hugh Latimer.
Shear Perfection by Patrice is now open inside Savvi Pet Accessories located at 129 W. Main St. in Pickens. Potential customers are invited to stop in and see all the grooming services Shear Perfection by Patrice has to offer dogs and cats, and while there, check out all Savvi Pet has to offer. To find out more about Shear Perfection, visit shearperfectiongrooming.com. Pictured are Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry, Ryan Roper, Catherine Roya, Corey Brown, Laci Roper and Croft, Inari Granger, Jessica Diaz Cartagena, owner Nadya Granger, Wayne Kelly, Bryan Owens, Allie Winters and Pickens Police Chief Randal Beach.
Crafts Plus Events held its formal grand opening on Saturday, Oct. 21. Owner Diane Curry cut the ribbon on her new location at 305 E. Main St. in Pickens. Crafts Plus is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Holiday hours starting this Sunday are Sundays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Find Crafts Plus Events on Facebook for more information, special sales and events. Pictured are Pickens City Councilman Isaiah Scipio, Lynn Perry, Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry, Vicky Miller, Diane Curry, Terri Moore, Caroline Jones, James Webb and Joyce Diaz.
Nurses have super powers
Nurses are needle-poking, blood-stealing, chart-reading, bedpan-carrying super heroes in scrubs, who will wake you up in the middle of the night to take your temperature.
They tolerate cranky patients, even though they are exhausted from working two shifts
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God is not only watching
Late one stormy London night in 1763, a man filled with despair was determined to end his life.
He hired a driver to take him to the river and was convinced that if he could only cast himself into the depths of the Thames, his agony could be finally put to an end. He was unwavering in his resolve as he stepped down from the carriage, and as it pulled away; he walked through the fog toward the pier and suddenly
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Losing it all in the 1973 St. Louis fire
On July 12, 1973, a fire in St. Louis, Mo., at the National Personnel Records Center destroyed between 16 and 18 million military personnel files. My mother’s file was one of those.
The files covered the period from pre-World War I to 1963. There began decades of veterans struggling to prove military service in order to access their benefits.
When I sent away for my mother’s records, what I received back was a certificate,You must be logged in to view this content.
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Early resolutions for 2024
Having stuck with less than half of the New Year’s resolutions I made for January 2023, I decided that for 2024 I need to give much more thought to what I commit to. In other words, not to take on more than I can actually do … and to give a much longer period of consideration to the whole thing. Hence this early start in talking about resolutions.
I’m leaning toward one-time efforts, things I commit to doing once, not whole lifestyle
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