Monthly Archives: December 2023
Former Easley police chief dies at 52
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Former Easley Police Chief Timothy “Tim” Tollison died last week.
Tollison died Friday, Dec. 22. He was 52.
Named Easley police chief in 2015 following the retirement of Chief Danny Traber, Tollison served in that role until his retirement from the city of Easley in 2020.
Serving as police chief capped off a long career in law enforcement for
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Locals honor fallen veterans on Wreaths Across America Day

By Ann Warmuth
Special to the Courier
COUNTY — Central, Clemson and Easley celebrated National Wreaths Across America Day at eight different cemeteries Dec. 16, with more than 300 volunteers laying more than 1,200 veteran wreaths made by the Worcester Wreath Company of Columbia Falls, Maine.
The Fort Prince George chapter Daughters of the American Revolution moderated seven ceremonies that included presentations of ceremonial remembrance wreaths for the seven military branches of service and one for POW-MIA.
The wreaths are presented by a veteran or civilian honoring a veteran for their service to our country. Each presenter is given a special Central, Clemson and Easley Wreaths Across America challenge coin. The national anthem is sung, and
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Pickens County Museum’s new mural part of nationwide project

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Those driving past the Pickens County Museum of Art and History this month have seen an eye-catching addition to the building’s facade.
Artist Cheyenne Marcus, known as Cheyenne Renee, recently completed a mural on the museum’s wall, part of her “50 in 50” mission to complete 50 murals in 50 states.
A muralist from Covington, Va., Marcus recently spoke with the Pickens
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Easley woman dies in wreck
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
GREER — An Easley woman was one of two people killed in a head-on collision in Spartanburg County last week.
The Spartanburg County Coroner’s Office identified the victims as Amber Hendrix, 37, of Easley, and Gilbert Perez Ramos, 34, of Laurens.
The two-vehicle collision occurred at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19, on S.C.
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State High School League announces 24-26 realignment

By Bru Nimmons
Sports Editor
COLUMBIA — Big changes are coming for Pickens County schools after the South Carolina High School League recently announced its classification placement of all schools beginning with the 2024-25 school year. The classification placement will be in effect for two years.
With the 3.0 multiplier — an out-of-zone multiplier of 3 added for each student who lives outside of a school’s assigned attendance zone — the biggest changes
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came for Daniel High School, which will move up to Class 4A, and Easley High School, which will move up to class 5A.
Liberty and Pickens will remain in Class 2A and Class 4A, respectively.
The multiplier was voted in last month by the SCHSL executive committee following concerns among members of the lower classifications about competitive balance.
According to the SCHSL, the guidelines established by the Reclassification/Realignment Guidelines Committee served as the blueprint for schools’ placements. Schools were assigned based on their enrollment count, to include district additions and the 3.0 multiplier.
Flexibility, as approved by the Reclassification/Realignment Guidelines Committee, was also used with consideration given to geographics and travel.
The SCHSL’s executive committee will meet Jan. 18-19 to hear appeals regarding the classification placements.
“Appreciation is expressed to those who served on the Reclassification/Realignment Guidelines Committee,” SCHSL commissioner Jerome Singleton said. “Classification placement of schools is the initial phase of the process. The next step for the league staff is to place the schools into regions in their respective classifications.”
Moped passenger killed in collision
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — An Easley woman died in a three-vehicle collision Dec. 21.
Pickens County deputy coroner Tommy Page identified the victim as Kerry Hamilton of Tucker Lane in Easley.
The accident occurred at 9:45 p.m. on S.C. Highway 183 near Albatross Road, 4.5 miles north of Easley, according to South Carolina Highway
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Dream Center residents earn new rides

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Supporters of the Dream Center of Pickens County gave two of the program’s participants a surprise a few days before Christmas.
Patty Lomax and Dee Dee Pitts had no idea what they’d be receiving as they stood in the crowd outside the center the morning of Dec. 20.
Both ladies were surprised with increased freedom and financial independence, in the form of keys to vehicles of their very own.
“If you want to do well here,
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Chapman celebrates 61-year career in insurance business
By Rocky Nimmons
PICKENS — When you work in an industry for more than half a century, you create a legacy in the field you have chosen to dedicate your life to.
You become a fixture in the industry.
Geraldine Chapman is such a fixture with the legacy she built in the world of insurance in Pickens County. Chapman started her career in the
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Forest Acres student works to bring holiday joy to many

EASLEY — When most people think of the Christmas holidays, they immediately think of a season of giving.
This year that spirit was on display in a major way courtesy of an Easley second-grader who exemplified it.
Brinley Evans, daughter of David and Jessica Evans, is a student at Forest Acres Elementary. The second grader raised $2,000 by making and selling bracelets and receiving donations for a local Christmas toy drive.
Brinley’s parents spoke with her one evening about Scruffy’s Auction’s upcoming Christmas toy drive for children who may not receive toys for Christmas.
Hearing that some kids may not receive any toys broke her heart and
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Every day is a new opportunity
I hope everyone is having blessed holidays with family and friends. Spending time with those you love is much more meaningful than all the customs and traditions. The same is true with our spiritual lives, as it comes down to our personal relationship with God and the peace and joy we have living in His presence.
I’ve spoken with several people over the last few weeks who have no family
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