Monthly Archives: April 2024
SDPC budget passes second reading
By Andrea Kelley
Courtesy The Journal
EASLEY — A budget topping $178 million cleared its second reading Monday at the School District of Pickens County.
Chief financial officer Matt Owens presented the fiscal year 2024-25 general fund budget — which does not include a millage increase — to the Board of Trustees and said the revenues were based on the state House of
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PCMOW head fears mailer may mislead donors

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — The executive director of Pickens County Meals on Wheels worries that those responding to a recent solicitation letter from another organization may mistakenly think they are donating to PCMOW.
Writing to the Courier, Kim Valentin said that an Oconee County organization “has sent a mailer out requesting donations for their organization that has and will cause further confusion with several
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Prescription Take Back Day to be held on Saturday
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS COUNTY – An event this Saturday gives Pickens County residents an opportunity to get rid of unwanted, unneeded and expired prescription drugs.
The Drug Enforcement Administration sponsors two National Prescription Drug Take Back Day every year, in April and October.
The Spring 2024 event will be held from 10am-2pm,
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Robson named next West End Elementary principal
EASLEY — The School District of Pickens County has found a replacement for long-time East End Elementary Dr. Angie Garrison from within the district.
The School District of Pickens County Board of Trustees approved the Superintendent’s recommendation for Mrs. Kimberly Robson to become the next principal of West End Elementary School, starting with the 2024-2025 school year earlier this month.
This appointment follows the retirement of Garrison, who has
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UHQT 300th quilt presented to Central Railway Museum

CENTRAL — The Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail’s 300th quilt was presented to the public on April 13 at The Central Railway Museum in Central. The quilt was a commissioned work by local quilter Linda Bell by the Central Railway Museum. When museum volunteer, Jackie Bacon, took a barn quilter painting class at Urban Central, offered by UHQT, she chose the Ohio Star pattern for her block and red, white, and blue as the colors. She was
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CU Academic Cornerstone partners gift $2.5 million to Clemson Student Affairs
CLEMSON — Bo and Donna Gossett are Clemson University’s latest academic cornerstone partners, gifting the university $2.5 million to help pave the way for students’ success.
The couple’s donation is the first cornerstone gift exclusively dedicated to the Division of Student Affairs, according to a news release from the university, which added that more than 28,000 undergraduate and
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‘Galloping Grant’ and rocketing Roadsters
The perception that men tend to speed, tailgate and make rude gestures at other drivers has been confirmed by data gathered by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Women, it seems, have a tendency for running red lights when they are late for an appointment.
In 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the U.S., was caught speeding in his horse-drawn carriage. He was
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The armor of God and the belt of truth
Have you considered that most individuals are convinced that what they believe is true, and all who disagree with them are not as wise as they are? What is your personal view about this?
May I ask, where did you discover your truth? Did God speak truth to you, or were you just persuaded by what someone else believes? If knowledge was passed on to you from those you respect, how do you
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Couier Letters to the Editor 4-24-24
Open letter to the Pickens Co. Planning Commission
Dear Pickens County Planning Commission
c/o Chairman Gary Stancell,
In regards to the Blue Valley RV Park on Mile Creek Road, the county conference room was so packed, the March meeting had to be moved. Ultimately, there were no seats left, but only standing room.
Despite having the right to speak our individual thoughts, we were asked not to repeat what others had already said. We, gracefully, respected that request. It seems, though, we needed to repeat ourselves since some commissioners
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Walking is beneficial
We need to move more. They call it an inactive lifestyle when we get very little exercise and do a lot of sitting. Whether we’re sitting in front of a computer, or watching TV, or even riding in a car for long hours, sitting is sitting, and too much of it isn’t good for us.
Here are just a few medical problems that can come from too
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