Monthly Archives: July 2024
Courier Letters to the Editor 7-31-24
Believe in yourself and look up
Dear Editor,
I came into this world screaming and kicking many years ago! I brought nothing with me, and I have most of it left!
Never became famous, but I am loved by many around me. Never became rich, but I have things that can’t be bought with all of the money in the world. Things like good times I spent with those who loved me. They have brightened my
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Presidential politics paralleling the past?
The election of ‘24 is one that surely will never be forgotten.
A firebrand populist, unlike any presidential candidate who came before him, versus an old-school political insider.
Turmoil within the party of the incumbent.
Polarization over social, racial and economic issues.
Fears about the future of American democracy.
And an assassination attempt.
Yes, the election of ‘24 rocked the nation.
1824, I mean.
2024 promises to be possibly even more memorable, and consequential — while in some ways paralleling the one that came 200 years earlier.You must be logged in to view this content.
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Why seniors need to adopt a new pet
Animal shelters across the country are loaded with adoptable animals, with more coming in all the time. How did this happen?
When the pandemic started and people were locked at home, many decided the time was perfect to adopt a pet. But now that offices have reopened and the kids are back in school, those pets have, in too many
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It’s not double dipping
Veterans who took the separation check that was offered when they left the service cannot legally get disability payments now — until that separation money is paid back.
The military wants to wind down and asks a veteran to go ahead and retire early, maybe
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Courier Obituaries 7-31-24
LEXINGTON — Derrick Edward Collins, 43, passed away on July 14, 2024, in Lexington.
Born on Feb. 22, 1981, in Easley, Derrick was a dedicated professional who served Michelin Tire Corporation for 25 years. His remarkable skills in maintenance and passion for repairs were well recognized within his workplace. Derrick was also a graduate of Tri-County Technical College with an associate’s degree in industrial technology.
Beyond his professional life, Derrick was a man of many hobbies, including movies, music and a profound love for nature and science. His hands were often busy with projects around his home, such as building a chicken coop and a vanity mirror, reflecting his love for
Powell, host city honored at SLWS
Pictured above, Longtime Easley Parks and Recreation director Gregg Powell throws out the ceremonial first pitch at the Senior League World Series in Easley on Saturday. Powell was recognized for his accomplishments in athletics in Easley, and Field 1 at the J.B. “Red” Owens Sports Complex was renamed Gregg Powell Field. Below, Senior League World Series tournament director Kimber Nelson, right, presents Easley Mayor Lisa Talbert with a home plate to thank the city of Easley for hosting the SLWS. Kerry Gilstrap/Courier
District 1 fighting to stay alive at SLWS

By Bru Nimmons
Sports Editor
EASLEY — Entering the midpoint of the Senior League World Series, local representative S.C. District 1 is still alive and fighting for a chance at the crown.
The host squad opened the tournament on Saturday taking on U.S. Central representative Burbank American Little League, of Burbank, Ill. District 1 fell behind early, but that didn’t stop District 1 from taking down the U.S. Central Burbank American Little League, of Burbank, Ill., in close 6-4 battle.
District 1 found itself trailing early against Burbank with the Central champions picking up two first inning runs off starting pitcher Walker Cox to take the lead.
Cox didn’t let the early runs affect him keeping Burbank off the board over the next three innings, while the District 1bats looked to find their footing.
The host squad finally got on the board in the fifth inning with Tristan Buzbee driving in a run on a single to center field to cut the lead to 2-1. District 1 continued to roll in
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Sassafras Mountain: SC’s majestic peak

By Kimberly Rogers
Special to the Courier
COUNTY — A gentle breeze rustles through the trees on Sassafras Mountain on a recent midsummer morning, offering a welcome relief from the typical summer heat.
The morning was beautiful and clear with low humidity, conditions perfect for exploring and observing. As we stood on the observation deck, wispy clouds drifted lazily across the blue sky, occasionally casting shadows on the verdant slopes below. It’s against this idyllic backdrop that we delve into the fascinating history of this natural landmark,
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Courier Community Calendar 7-31-24
• Flame Booster Club plans fundraisers
The new Blue Flame Athletic Booster Club is planning a pair of events.
The first will be a Back-to-School Bash on Aug. 2. The event will be a fun-filled evening featuring live music, inflatables, a $10-per-plate barbecue, a raffle and more.
The event will offer an opportunity to connect with the community, meet Pickens High School athletes and learn about the booster club and its mission at the school.
The second will be a House of Raeford fresh bulk chicken sale. The sale is planned for Aug. 10 from 9 a.m.-noon. Those interested can order fresh chicken online until Aug. 8 at noon and pick it up at the designated time.
To order, visit
To learn more about the Blue Flame Athletic Booster Club, visit
• Hee Haw plans a return to Hagood
The Hagood Community Center is planning an all-new presentation of the community’s favorite comedy/musical show, “Hee Haw.”
The center has a new cast, some new songs and plenty of new jokes that will send visitors home with a smile on their face. There will be two showings on Saturday, Aug. 3, with the first show at 4 p.m. and the other at 7 p.m. A full house is expected for both presentations, so showgoers are urged to get their tickets early at the center on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each and are limited to the auditorium’s capacity. All proceeds will benefit the Hagood Community Center. The center will also have a hamburger dinner available from 5:30-7 p.m. so patrons do not have to rush home to prepare dinner. The meal will include a hamburger with all the trimmings, baked beans, slaw, chips, and tea or water to drink. The hamburger meal will be $8 and tickets can also be purchased in advance at the center during the hours listed above
• Anderson family reunion is August 25
The family of Joseph Rugless Anderson and Nancy “Nealy” Anderson will hold its annual reunion on Sunday, Aug. 25, at Mountain Grove Baptist Church, located at 644 E. Preston McDaniel Road in Pickens. Lunch will be served at 1 p.m.
• Legion Post 67 seeks new members
American Legion Post 67 in Liberty is accepting applications for membership from all U.S. military wartime veterans. For more information, call (864) 787-2322.
• Dacusville Lions to host monthly bingo
The Dacusville Lions Club will be hosting Bingo night on the third Thursday of each month at the Lions Building in Dacusville, located at 1384 Thomas Mill Road.
The next Bingo session will be Thursday, August 21. There are set to be 10 games beginning at 7 p.m., and proceeds will go toward funding community events and other community needs.
The games should conclude around 9 p.m. Bingo night will be a family-friendly event, and monetary prizes will be available. Cards are $1 each, with no limit on the number of cards that can be purchased for each round. For more information, contact Bob Spalding at (864) 430-0119 or
• Dillard/Hillcrest to restart H.O.P.E.
Dillard Memorial Funeral Home and Hillcrest Memorial Park have announced the renewal of its H.O.P.E Ministries program.
The program, which helps others through programs and the exchange of ideas and information, will host its next meeting on August 13. “We are pleased to offer this as a support system for families in our community and surrounding areas who have experienced a loss,” said Tanya Gravely, general manager of Dillard Memorial Funeral Home.
Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month from 10-11 a.m. at Dillard Memorial Funeral Home with the Rev. Lewis Edwards, community relations and director of H.O.P.E. For more information, call (864) 878-6371.
• Pickens Rotary meets Wednesdays
The Rotary Club of Pickens meets at 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Pickens County Museum. Guests are invited to the meetings to learn the 20 reasons to join Rotary.
• Legion Post 52 to meet on 4th Tuesday
American Legion Post 52 officials invite all military veterans to join them in Easley. Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Post building at 310 Pope Field Road in Easley.
• Sertoma Club invites locals to meet
The Clemson Sertoma Club invites all local residents to attend its meetings.
The club meets at noon the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Occasions at Wedgefield, located at 1551 Eighteen Mile Road in Central.. New visitors are always welcome.
• Fleet Reserve meets on third Saturday
Fleet Reserve Association, Branch 15 meets on the third Saturday of each month at Chicopee United Methodist Church, located at 403 S. Catherine St. in Walhalla. Meeting time is 9 a.m., with breakfast served at 8:30 a.m.
The Fleet Reserve is open to all veterans of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Contact Tom Smith at (864) 868-9397 or for more information.
• Widowed persons group meets in Easley
Moving Forward, a widowed persons group meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at Silver Bay Restaurant at 7027 Highway 123 in Easley. For more information, call Marian Huskins at (864) 270-6032
PHS taking nominations for new Hall of Fame class
PICKENS — The Pickens High School athletic department is currently taking application for the upcoming Pickens High School Athletic Hall of Fame class.
To nominate a person for the prestigious honor, those interested should submit the
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