Daily Archives: 09/17/2024
Pickens water strife continues

Residents question Pickens officials’ choices on water
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Further discussion between Pickens city officials and representatives from the Pickens Joint Regional Water System may be on the table, following questions from residents posed to officials this week.
A public forum on the city’s water issues was held Monday evening at the Hagood Community Center.
According to distributed documents, questions related to Pickens City Council’s recent decision to
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County schools placed on lockdown

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Three Pickens County schools were placed into lockdowns or holds over the past week as tensions surrounding safety in schools continue to run high.
The first of the issues arose on Friday afternoon, when two people target practicing near Pickens High School inadvertently led to a lockdown at the school.
According to a media release from the Pickens Police Department, PHS school resource officer Allen
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Karim scores three touch downs as Sutherland picks up his 150th career win, Lions look to rebound against Clinton, Easley faces tough task with J.L. Mann, Missed opportunities haunt Pickens, all this in this week’s FOOTBALL FRENZY, sponsored by Mountain View Funerals and Cremations
available only in the Pickens County Courier.
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Roper: Many radio towers see upgrade

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Work continues on a radio system that aims to allow the county’s first responders to better communicate between agencies and reduce response time in emergencies.
County administrator Ken Roper gave updates related to first responder issues during county council’s Sept. 9 meeting.
“You all have invested a great deal of time, energy and taxpayer dollars in upgrading our emergency services
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SDPC announces Teacher, Support Employee of the Year

COUNTY — The School District of Pickens County named its 2024-25 Teacher of the Year and Support Employee of the Year at a banquet on Monday.
At the event, which recognized support employees and teachers of the year for each of the district’s 23 schools and the Pickens County Career and Technology Center, Pickens High School teacher Ashley Butler and Daniel High School bookkeeper and secretary Mou Rangaraju took the top countywide honors.
Butler, an English teacher at Pickens High School, was named the 2024 School District of Pickens County Teacher of the Year.
Butler has dedicated 27 years to teaching in the district, working with students across a variety of subjects, including Advanced Placement and honors english. She currently serves as the English department chair at Pickens High and has made a tremendous impact through her roles as graduation coach, assistant athletic director for academics and advisor for the school newspaper, The Sapphire.
Her students and colleagues consistently praise her dedication to building relationships and creating a supportive learning environment.
“It is my belief that today’s students have the ability to change the future of our world with proper direction, encouragement and support,” Butler said. “As a teacher, I want my students to feel valued, understood and challenged in my classroom.”
Butler’s influence extends beyond the classroom.
“Dr. Butler’s resolve and passion to provide successful
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Holder set to make run for vacant Pickens Council seat
PICKENS — Pickens resident Jonathan Holder has announced his candidacy for Pickens City Council. He is running to fill the seat recently vacated by the resignation of Danny Adams.
Holder, born and raised in Pickens, attended Pickens schools, graduated from Pickens High School, and graduated from Presbyterian College in 2015. After graduation, Jonathan interned at Property and Environment Research Center, a non-profit research
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Loving God with all that we are
In Luke 10:27 and Mark 12:30, we notice that both passages use a fourfold description to explain how we are to love God: Heart, soul, strength and mind.
In the Old Testament, we find a similar command in Deuteronomy 6:5-6, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thine might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart.” It leaves out the
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‘Remember the ladies’
Abigail Adams was a busy woman in 1776.
Her husband, John Adams, was a delegate at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. She was at home in Braintree, Mass., raising four young children and managing the family farm while living in a war zone. The British Army was in Boston, only 12 miles away.
She wrote her husband a letter and asked that he
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Courier Letters to the Editor 9-18-24
Violence in schools
Dear Editor,
Upon reading the newspaper and hearing news on TV, our society is in deep trouble!
Students have three levels of conduct: Disorderly conduct. Disruptive conduct. Criminal conduct.
Punishment has been banned in schools, such as paddling, spanking and slapping.
And then we have 14- and 15-year-olds breaking the law by the carrying of firearms and concealed weapons on school grounds, which are prohibited. Yet these teens are carrying these weapons killing students and teachers and harming others.
We have 16,300 students in Pickens County schools. Fourteen elementary schools, five middle schools, four high schools, also a state-of-the-art vocational, career and technology center.
Our kids are the future of our country — protect and love them. Everybody that has been born is a gift from God. No mistakes have ever been made.
Behavioral training begins at home, teaching them right from wrong.
Forty percent of high school students studied reported that they had a feeling of being persistently sad and hopeless.Feeling left out. Some committing suicide. If your child shows signs of this seek, immediate mental health evaluation.
It seems school officials have dropped the ball on ways to stop violence. Now is the time to review this problem and act upon it. Metal detectors should be placed outside every school building to scan for weapons, knives.
Matthew 5:21-22 — That murderous anger can lead the angry man to judgment from God. As quickly as a physical blow. The violence he exhibits toward someone else can be brought back upon himself by God.
Beulah Taylor
Forum set for Pickens candidates
Dear Editor,
There are eight candidates running for two vacancies on Pickens City Council. On Thursday, Sept. 26,
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Courier Obituaries 9-18-24
WILLIAMSTON — Fred Lavern Dodson, 95, husband of the late Vivanee “Boots” Burton Dodson, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024.
Born in Six Mile, he was the son of the late William Lester and Monte Inez Davis Dodson. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, having served during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was retired from Employment Security Commission and a member of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Pelzer. Fred was named a Paul Harris Fellow with the Rotary Club of Seneca.
He is survived by a daughter, Sue Wood (Mark) of Pickens; stepchildren, Judy Roberson Fowler (Wayne) of Williamston and Billy Roberson (Carolyn) of Belton; grandchildren, Jonathan Fowler, Stephanie Ellenburg, Eli Dodson, Israel Dodson, Zoe Dodson, Malachi Dodson, Rebekah Dodson and Curtis Dodson; and great-grandchildren, Lily Fowler, Linley Ellenburg, Luke Ellenburg and Stella Dodson.
He was predeceased by a son, Freddy Dodson; daughter, Gayle Dodson; and sister, Oneida Mahaffey.
A funeral service was held on Sept. 12 in the chapel at Gray Mortuary in Pelzer.
Burial will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at M.J. Dolly Cooper Veterans Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Tabernacle Baptist Church, P.O. Box 268, Pelzer, SC 29669.
Condolences can be expressed at graymortuary.com.
EASLEY — Rachel Meyer, 88, of Easley, wife of Clyde Charles Meyer, passed away on Monday, Sept. 9, 2024, at her home.
Born in Alexander, W. Va., she was the daughter of the late Odbert and Viola June Curry. She was a devoted caregiver to her husband and family. She especially enjoyed baking as her grandchildren looked forward to her zucchini bread each holiday season when staying with her. Her hands were never idle, whether she was working on a crochet project, crafting beautiful ceramics or later doing crossword puzzles.
Outside of the home, Rachel spent many years as the dedicated secretary at Rockdale County High School in Conyers, Ga. She also played an important role in the family business and later embarked on a successful career as a real estate agent, where her integrity and work ethic earned the trust of her clients.
In her free time, Rachel loved a visit to the casino, where her natural luck always seemed to follow her, much to the delight of her friends and family.
In addition to her husband of 69 years, she is survived by her two sons, Charles Randall Meyer