Daily Archives: 09/18/2024
Major SC 183 detour delayed
PICKENS — Local drivers have a little more time to enjoy their usual commute before road work shuts down a key portion of S.C. Highway 183 for a year.
Work was set to begin this week on two S.C. 183 bridges between Six Mile and Pickens, but digital signs near the work area now say the work is scheduled to start on Oct. 7.
“We are finalizing the necessary permits and expect work to begin in early October,” S.C. Department of Transportation spokeswoman Hannah Robinson said Tuesday.
Officials say the work will result in the closure of S.C. 183 between Allgood Farm Road and Penrose Circle. The closure will last approximately a year, with a detour in place for the duration, according to a post on the Pickens County Facebook page.