Monthly Archives: September 2024
Liberty police chief resigns
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
LIBERTY — Liberty Police Chief Adam Gilstrap resigned last week.
In a release issued Sept. 4, Liberty Mayor Erica Romo Woods said that Gilstrap “will no
longer be serving with the City of Liberty Police Department” as of that same day.
“The City of Liberty would like to thank Adam Gilstrap for his
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Pickens meeting set for residents with water questions
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens City Council’s recent decision to withdraw the city from the Pickens Regional Joint Water System and its plans to build a water treatment plant on Lake Keowee continues to draw comments and questions from residents.
Pickens officials will hold a town hall meeting about water issues in the city at 6 p.m. next Monday, Sept. 16, at the Hagood Community Center in Pickens.
Jessica Merrill wants fellow Pickens residents to have a chance to
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Local WWII veteran honored with France’s highest honor

By Evan Smoak
Courtesy The Journal
SIX MILE — A local World War II veteran was honored with France’s highest decoration at a ceremony held Wednesday at the Semper Fi Barn in Six Mile.
U.S. Army Cpl. Ralph Conte was awarded a medal and the title of a Knight of the Legion of Honor. The honor dates back to
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Barn, Boots & Brew coming in two weeks
EASLEY — Family Promise of Pickens County will present its third annual Barn, Boots & Brew and Silent Auction on Sept. 24.
The event will be held at Arabella Farm — located at 125 Buck Ridge Road in Sunset.
The event will include appetizers, pulled pork and brisket
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Flame burn Blue Ridge

By Zander Clarkson
Special to the Courier
GREER — Blue Flame volleyball travelled to Blue Ridge High School on last Tuesday night to take on the Tigers in their first Region 2-4A matchup. In set one, the Blue Flame were quickly down four points, but rallied back to tie the set at 10 apiece. Pickens took a 16 to 10 advantage that was quickly erased by Blue Ridge, who then took a 24-20 advantage and went on to
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Daniel, Easley compete at tri-match
The Daniel and Easley High School volleyball teams competed in a tri-match with Wren at Daniel High School last Wednesday. Daniel went 1-1 at the match defeating their county foe and falling to the Hurricanes, while the Green Wave lost both matchups. Above: Daniel’s Ava Ross reaches out to make a dig. Below: McKenzie Carr takes a swing at the ball.
McManus making run for Pickens City Council seat
PICKENS — Pickens resident John McManus has announced his candidacy for Pickens City Council, running to fill the unexpired term of Robert Nealy.
McManus and his family have lived in the Pickens area since 2001, moving into the city proper in 2023. McManus and his wife, Kym, have a son and a daughter who both attended Pickens schools and graduated from
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The whiplash u-turn flip-flop
Flip-flops are shoes that flip-flop when you walk. Politicians flip-flop when they talk. If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk — but not in flip-flops.
Changes in a politician’s position can have a positive effect on a voter’s image, as long as the new position agrees with the voter. Voters often believe the candidate has finally come to terms with their viewpoint and
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Good deeds are not a substitute for love
I was reading an article the other day about how most people are confident that just being nice secures them a place in heaven.
But is this true? Of course, we want to believe that it’s relatively easy to go through the pearly gates but is being a decent person all there is to it? Have you ever heard the expression, “They would give you the shirt off their back” referring to someone’s kindness and generosity? It’s a notable character trait,
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Dealing with COVID … again
Here we go again. Not to be an alarmist, but COVID never did go away. It’s been creeping around, changing its composition, infecting people, staying one step ahead of medicine every step of the way. And now it’s surging again, with the biggest rate of positive cases since January 2022.
So says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They’ve been testing wastewater, since that’s the one real and
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