
Cannon Hospital is drop-off for National Pill Take-Back Day

PICKENS — Cannon Memorial Hospital will take part in the National Pill Take-Back Day on Saturday, April 18, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

The general public is asked to take advantage of this day to get rid of potentially dangerous, expired, unused, and unwanted prescriptions drugs. The service is free and anonymous. The pickup site at Cannon is located in the front lobby of the hospital. Representatives from the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office will be on site to collect the medications.

Although prescription drugs play an important role in healthcare, expired and unused medications are often found in homes for months and even years. Some of these medicines can pose severe hazards to small children, adults, and even pets. The majority of people tend to toss their medications into the trash, or flush down toilets. These steps can also cause health and environmental issues. In April 2014, more than 780,000 pounds of unwanted or expired medications were turned in and safely disposed of nationally.