
Courier Letters to the Editor

The evil of recent days

Dear Editor,

I am a very patriotic American and love my country. Many men and women have paid the ultimate price defending our Constitution, freedom and our flag.

Our Constitution was written in three weeks by Godly Christian men who put God first in their lives and then their love for America. These men lived by the very words from the Bible, God’s Holy Word.

Our Constitution has served our country well for 239 years, and we have thrived as a nation because we honored God and supported Israel (Genesis 12:3).

Today, we have politicians who abuse their power, and I wonder how many of them would be willing to pray and seek God’s wisdom as our forefathers did.

Over the last few weeks, we have had tragedies to hit our state. Nine lives were gruesomely taken on a Wednesday night, during a Bible service in Charleston. My prayers are with the families of each victim, the shooter and his family as well.

My problem is with many calling this a hate crime. I like what Dr. Martin Luther King’s granddaughter said: “This was not a hate crime — my grandma was shot in church by a black man. This isn’t a crime of hate — it’s just pure evil.”

I agree with Dr. King’s granddaughter and applaud her for wise statement.

The Confederate flag stands for Southern heritage, not hate. We, the people of South Carolina, compromised in the year 2000 when the flag came down from the top of the Capitol.

One individual’s evil crime can’t be prejudiced toward an entire state. Rap singers can brag about killing cops, and our liberal media will blame the officers who protect our families. Look up and decide for yourself who you trust.

America, we better wake up and repent from our evil ways and stand up for our rights while we still have them (2 Chronicles 7:14).

One last thing — you can’t sing about the amazing grace of Jesus and hours later ignore His definition of marriage (Ephesians 5:31, Matthew 6:24 and Leviticus 18:22), more of God’s words that describe His amazing grace.

Recent days truly have been some of the most evil our land has seen. We need you, Jesus, to heal our land. Our hope is in you alone, and may God bless America again!

Brad Dover
