City of Pickens gets grant for water lines
By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — The city of Pickens has been approved for a regional planning grant of $242,285 to improve water lines along Ann Street.
“That’s a real big help,” Councilman Isaiah Scipio said. “We needed that.”
The city is making an effort to replace all the older water lines on its system. The grant gives the city the opportunity to get started on the work. The grant specifies that the money must be used to improve the water system in a municipality. The money will cover part of the cost, but other funds will be need to be found or budgeted to cover the remaining cost.
In other business at last week’s council meeting, council finance director and councilwoman Patti Welborn reported the city has collected $22,000 in fines through the police department in just two months of this fiscal year. Last year the city collected $58,000 in 12 months, Welborn said.
Councilman Donnie McKinney voiced concerns about the litter and mess left at the city’s recycling center on Johnson Street. The area is used by all Pickens residents as a place to deposit separated recyclables. The site, which is near city hall, was a “mess” last week, according to McKinney. City Administrator Bruce Evilsizor said that arrangements are being made to have larger containers at the site.
In other matters, council approved a lease for 20 years with Allco to provide parking for visitors to the Doodle Trail. Also approved was an agreement with the city of Easley for insurance and maintenance for the trail.
Council took an opportunity during the meeting to go into executive session to discuss undisclosed personal matters.
Pickens City Council will next meet on July 20 for itsmonthly work session and on August 3 for the next regular meeting.