
Letter to the Editor 2-10-16

What is Hope?

Dear Editor,

Everyone has hope. We hope for good health, a new car, a new house, a good wife, a good husband; all kinds of hope. Most of which are what we want out of this life.

Let us look at a different hope. The hope that is from God and that is eternal. We read in the Scriptures (the Bible) that our blessed and eternal is in Christ Jesus the Son of God. If you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior in your heart, you have this blessed hope.

In our day (today) there is a movement to take the God out of everything except curse words. We live in perilous times, but as a Christian we have this blessed hope of our eternity with Christ. Yes, we go through trials, and troubles, but this Earth is not our permanent home. Our eternal home is in and with Christ Jesus. To be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord. Praise God. I am looking forward to that day. We have no promise of tomorrow, therefore we need (must) know Jesus Christ to have that hope. This is not knowledge of Christ, but a personal relationship with him. I pray that you will come to Christ before it is too late.

We just need to look around and see what is happening in this world today. As I study the scriptures and prophecy, I have to believe we are living in the last days. In the 24th chapter of Matthew, we read of what will take place in the last days. Those things stated are taking place today.

As Christiansm we must stand for the things of God and not what is politically correct. Our politicians promise everything but this eternal hope. We pray for God to bless America, and He has. We need to pray that God will have mercy on America and that we will serve God rather than man. Be prepared for the days ahead. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. God Bless.

Mark Wilson
