Courier Letters to the Editor 4-20-16
Is the UN in charge of Pickens Co.?
Dear Editor,
My understanding was the Pickens County Comprehensive Plan was shelved and was not ever approved. But yet the county council is getting ready to amend it. Pickens County Taxpayers Association and Conservatives of the Upstate members vehemently opposed the comprehensive plan several years ago, as it is a danger to the Pickens County citizenry’s rights.
By amending this supposedly “shelved” plan … does this make it valid now?
Both PCTA and COTU have spoken numerous times on our disapproval of any comprehensive plan that weakens the citizenry’s rights, especially in the area of property rights. There was objectionable language in the plan that we brought attention to several years ago.
The council members are our only defense against this United Nations Agenda 21 of developing “comprehensive plans.” By passing this amendment, I am assuming the plan now is being taken off the shelf and given teeth.
I oppose taking this comprehensive plan off the shelf, along with Conservatives of the Upstate members. We were assured it didn’t have any teeth and just sat on a shelf.
Council’s No. 1 priority should be protecting the Pickens citizenry’s rights — and I truly understand the safety issue of the coal ash. But by amending the plan, I fear this gives the “shelved” plan teeth for misuse by other forces, such as HUD and the EPA, as well as non-governmental groups like Ten at the Top and Upstate Forever, etc … to have ammo to further their agenda.
Sustainable development encompasses every aspect of our lives, and its goal is social equity. It is a political movement to replace capitalism with government control of EVERYTHING! It is a relentless attack on property rights and freedom.
Please ask our council to be vigilant on what they are about to do by opening the door to this document by amending it. Taking it off the shelf gives it new life. The United Nations, EPA and HUD are watching, I am sure, to gain footholds wherever they can.
Are we not sovereign? Do we truly want to open the door to the United Nations dictating the guidelines of what we can grow, eat, where we can live, the method of transportation we use to get to work, what jobs we can have, how many children we can have and what kind of education our children can have?
Johnnelle Raines
A letter to America
Dear Editor,
America continues to deny God and the word of God. These haters of God continue to deny the historical fact that America was founded by people who believed in the Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God who said that in the beginning He created the Heavens and the Earth and later created everything in them and that He did it for his pleasure.
Each colony was founded by a different Christian denomination. Generally, a whole church congregation left their home country and shipped to what is now our America, as a church/unit. Each colony established its church denomination as that colony’s church, and taxed the residents to support it. This practice continued even after the colonies became states.
When the U.S. Constitution was approved, the colonies believed in the sovereignty of God Almighty over all. Because of that, most colonies specified, in their approval, that all those appointed or voted to serve in America’s three branches of government be professed Christians who knew God, and God’s word contained in the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testament.
Unfortunately, we now send some people to all three branches of our government who have no idea about God or what His commandments to man are. They have twisted God’s word, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and its subsequent amendments so that everything goes.
So yes, history does show that America was founded as a Christian nation under God. And yes, one of the Founding Fathers was a deist (one who believes God created Heaven and Earth but then left it entirely up to man). But Benjamin Franklin’s mistake only shows how smart educated people can be ignorant of God’s biblical history, which clearly shows God had an active hand and is still playing a part in this world.
But the important thing to know is that God will punish and destroy the wicked, most of mankind, because they rejected His plan of salvation, which He offered through the blood of Christ. How soon, only God knows!
Manuel Ybarra Jr.
Coalgate, Okla.