Notes from the Arkansas traveler
I’m in Arkansas getting an education — in what, I don’t know. Brooke and Andrew are technology-savvy. They were born knowing how to control the world by hitting a few buttons. It’s my fervent wish that their brains will not be short-circuited through intensive computer knowhow.
They are 8 and 10 now and have grown by leaps and bounds since last summer. As a niece and nephew go, they are the best.
Their card skills have also developed in a year. They have mastered Crazy Eight and play for blood. I only win every now and then, and I’m not letting down my side either. I’m trying.
We still play War, but they have added Blackjack to their repertoire, as they wanted to learn a gambling game. Brooke pulled out the poker chips, and we divided them up and had a few practice hands.
They know how to bet, stay, raise, call and fold. They know what it means to be busted. When they want another card, they tell the dealer, “Hit me.”
When their Poppa comes at the end of this week, he will be so pleased. Poker paid his college tuition his junior and senior year, plus what he made in the summer scouting cotton.
It was interesting to see how they bet. Brooke is a risk taker. She will put more on an uncertain hand. Andrew will fold if he thinks he can’t make it.
However, he’ll bet the farm if he has a solid hand and then we fold.
Brooke wants to win, as does he. He will get discouraged if he thinks he’s going to run out of money.
I was amazed at how quickly they can add up the cards. And these are people who just a couple of years ago couldn’t tell a spade from a club.
Now that they have mastered Blackjack, we are working on Gin Rummy. We’re taking it a little bit at a time, as it’s just a bit more complicated. There’s an awful lot to remember. Frankly, their memories are a bit sharper than mine.
Also, I’m ready for bed before they are.
The energy level they are able to maintain is unbelievable.
If we were like cellphones and could see how much juice is left to operate on, theirs would have 95 percent as the lowest level, while mine would show minus-10.
We’ve been hiking, swimming, played putt putt, cooked homemade French fries and baked a three-layer chocolate cake. I considered reading in bed last night, but that’s as far as it got.
It’s turning out to be a wonderful visit. I’ll really miss their bright little faces and busy brains when I go home. Children are a special gift, and I hope I never take them for granted.