Courier Community Calendar 9-28-16
• Barbery to preach at Liberty Revival
The Carolina Community Church will be host a revival starting Sunday, Oct. 9. The event will feature the preaching of the Rev. Curtis Barbery. This will be Barbery’s 1,007th revival service. The revival will have two services in the morning on Oct. 9, with one starting at 10 a.m. and another beginning at 11 a.m. That evening Barbery will preach again at 6 p.m. On Monday, Oct. 10, the service is set to begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Pastor John Revis at (864) 760-7207 or (864) 933-1867.
• Amazing Grace to hold homecoming
Amazing Grace Fellowship will be celebrating homecoming Oct. 2. Soulvision from Hendersonville, N.C. will be singing beginning at 10 a.m. Rev. Roland Bearden will be ministering at the 11 a.m. worship hour. Everyone is welcome. The church is located at 229 Pearl St. Pickens
• 68th Gillespie reunion set for Oct. 2
The 68th annual Gillespie reunion will be held at the Balsam Grove, N.C., community center beginning at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 2. Please come and encourage your family as well. Bring a well-filled basket and drink of choice. Plates, cups and ice will be furnished.
• Widowed persons group plans meetings
The Pickens County WOP is a social group for widowed persons that meets on the second Friday of each month at 6 p.m. at Lakeview Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. For additional information on group activities, call Pat LeRoy at (864) 850-1987 or Ruth Thomas at (864) 859-6093.
• FLC to host blessing of the animals event
The annual blessing of the animals will be held at Faith Lutheran Chapel on Sunday, Oct. 2, beginning at 3 p.m. in the parking lot across from Blue Ridge Co-op. Please bring your beloved pets for this special blessing. All are welcome. Faith Lutheran Chapel is located at 729 W. Main St. in Pickens.
• Lewis reunion set for Oct. 2 at Mt. Sinai
The Anthony B. and Evelyn Ellenburg Lewis reunion will be held on Oct. 2 at Mount Sinai Church Fellowship Building. Everyone is welcome and asked to bring a well-filled basket.