‘Facing Our Shadows’ the topic of sixth Rensing Center Healing Conversation
COUNTY — In the middle of a contentious election season, there’s a palpable fear and anxiety about the future not only of this country but the lives of our communities.
And inside of every deeply held fear there lurks a “shadow,” or the piece of the equation that’s easy to miss: ourselves. At every level of our culture people are grappling with intractable questions: Will we face our fears of the “other”? How do we express our personal and political beliefs and convictions in a way that supports life, fosters connection, and moves beyond partisanship and divisive rhetoric?
Come prepared to share stories and ideas about how we might channel the anxious energies of this time to communicate, act, and coexist on behalf of our communities, culture, and planet.
The event will be held on Sunday, Oct. 30, at 6 p.m. at the Rensing Center Library at
1165 Mile Creek Road in Pickens. Those attending are asked to bring food or drink to share.
The suppers are facilitated by nurse, nutritional expert and author Ellie Taylor. Seating is limited. RSVP to rensingcenter@gmail.com or (864) 380-1267 by Oct. 27.
This will be the sixth in a series of potluck suppers to be held the last Sunday of the month on the theme of healing, both personal and community. Healing Conversations is a monthly gathering to listen, learn, ponder a theme, and share ideas and supper. Readings are welcomed, as are suggestions and exploration of the Rensing Center’s library. The center explores patterns as the are seen and experienced, with an eye toward healing and in a spirit of creativity and spirituality. The center hopes to gather a diverse group of participants and listen to each other’s ideas with respect.