Local lineman attends Statehouse ceremony
COLUMBIA — Cecil Hubbard represented Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative at the S.C. Statehouse last Tuesday, May 2, for the designation of Linemen Appreciation Day.
Forty electric utility linemen stood with Gov. Henry McMaster and legislators as they honored the more than 2,000 lineworkers across the state.
Hubbard, a line superintendent with the cooperative, attended a news conference where the governor read a proclamation and legislators unveiled a special automobile license plate to honor linemen.
“Linemen are the backbone of South Carolina’s electric utility system and deserve recognition for their work when the weather is good, after catastrophic events, and at all times in between,” read part of the governor’s proclamation.
“It takes a special type of person to do that work,” said Rep. Mike Forrester, R-Spartanburg. “Most people know you have to be brave, but it takes a heart for service and the ability to be content doing hard work often without thanks, fanfare or attention. I don’t know of a group of people who are more universally humble, dependable and diligent.”
Legislators referenced Ice Storm Pax in 2014, the record-breaking rain and flooding in 2015 and
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