Pickens veteran receives Quilt of Valor for service
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Larry Porter is no stranger to the cold.
As a private first class in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, Porter was not given winter clothing for some reason.
“I didn’t have snowpacks,” Porter said. “I couldn’t get gloves.”
One night, two of his friends had to roll over on top of Porter to keep him from freezing.
Another night, Porter put a transistor radio in the bottom of his sleeping bag, using the heat generated by it to help stave off the cold.
Because of the extreme cold, to this day, Porter has trouble with his hands.
Despite that, he worked as a mechanic after leaving the service.
“I’ve done a little bit of everything,” he said.
Last week, the 90-year-old Porter received a special thanks for his service
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