DAR presents gift
The Junior American Citizens (JAC) Club of the Tamassee DAR School, sponsored by the Andrew Pickens Chapter of Clemson, created a special cross-stitch gift for President General Ann Turner Dillon of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The Tamassee JAC Club wanted to thank Dillon for “Targeting Education; Planting the seeds for tomorrow.” All the students at the Tamassee DAR School are members of the JAC Club, and they work on community service projects, including collecting aluminum pull tabs for the Shriners Children’s Hospital in Greenville. Pictured above are National Vice Chair JAC Committee for Publicity Mari Noorai, Eliza Lucas Pinckney Chapter Regent Melissa Levesque, State Regent Libby Billham, President General Ann Dillon, Andrew Pickens Chapter Regent Darlene Dowdy and Wizard of Tamassee Chapter Regent Pat Murray.