Parenting Place organizing ‘Prevention Army’ for events
EASLEY — The Parenting Place, Prevent Child Abuse Pickens County is organizing a “Prevention Army” of volunteers to assist with events and activities.
The Parenting Place’s mission is to build relationships and provide visible accessible services and support that will prevent all forms of child abuse and neglect in local communities.
“We cannot wait until a tragedy occurs,” the organization said in a release. “We must be vigilant and always on guard to protect our children. The events are crosswalks that will enable us to educate parents, children and the general public to identify predators and victims or potential victims of abuse.”
The first training session will be Monday, Jan. 28, from 6-7:30 p.m at The Parenting Place. Light refreshments will be served.
Those interested are asked to RSVP to The Parenting Place at 898-5583.