
‘Traveling Trash Bash’ to reach elementary students in February

COUNTY — Pickens County elementary schoolers will learn about how trash and recycling affect the environment when the Pickens County Beautification and Environmental Advisory Committee (PCBEAC) presents the “Traveling Trash Bash” throughout February.

The PCBEAC will teach all third graders in the 16 Pickens County elementary schools about environmental concepts such as recycling, composting, water conservation, litter control, beautification and storm water pollution.

The volunteer group has been presenting the educational, fun-filled program for the past 12 years. The third-grade students at each school move in small groups through the six different stations prior to a group assembly to wrap up the fun and learning. Each student gets a T-shirt and a take-home packet with educational information and fun activities to be shared with family. Scores from pre-tests and post-tests are compared to determine improvement. The goal is to encourage wise use of natural resources.

For the first time, a new trailer provided by Pickens County will be used to transport equipment and teaching materials to the schools. The county Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling Department also provides help and technical support.

Volunteers assisting with the TTB include retired college professors, retired teachers, professionals, Pickens County Litter Officers, parents, local citizens, and Clemson University students.

For more information, contact Charles Gill at (864) 982-2358 or Gina McLellan at (864) 650-6979.