
Very present help in troubled times

We are not even halfway into the year and our nation is going through a tremendous amount of stress and tribulation. As if the pandemic was not enough, we are now seeing an insurrection of hatred and violence, and we still have an election ahead of us.

I would imagine that most of you watch the news, and to be honest, I probably absorb a little too much. Some evenings when I try to sleep, my mind is so hyped-up and distressed with worry that I end up turning and tossing.

Thank God I can ask Him to forgive me and to please flood my mind and heart with His peace, and this allows me to have sweet sleep. The Holy Spirit has been given to help guide us and also to bring assurance and contentment — in fact, one of His titles is comforter. Calling on God in times of crisis, whatever the situation may be, is such a blessing for our soul.

Psalm 46:1 is a beautiful promise that we can embrace as a secure pillar within our spiritual foundation. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” How encouraging it is to know that we can rest in His love and hope when we choose to live in His presence.

Each week I try to provide inspirational and positive thoughts within my writing, and I believe we need this now more than ever. I’ve often thought that no one really needs other people repeating how the nation and the world is in such a hopeless condition.

We already know there are a lot of bad people on this planet. However, it’s always encouraging and refreshing good news to be reminded that Jesus gave His life so that all those who would believe in Him could be spiritually saved.

If we really want to help make the world a better place, we can use our energy to pray, and we can also attempt to demonstrate the nature and character of Christ in our daily walk. As light drives away the darkness, love drives out hate.

We hear so many conversations about the fear of anarchy and the failure of government that my head hurts. The answer is Jesus! Short and simple. It does not really matter what anyone thinks except God. He is the only one I want to listen to, because He is perfect truth and the exemplary solution for everything.

If every person would fall on their face and repent and cry out to Him and obey His voice, we would have genuine love and peace.

Now, sir, tell me, why do you always have to bring religion into it? I’m not talking about religion, I’m talking about a personal relationship with the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all things.

Whatever we might face from this time forward, the word that I sense is urgency. What do you mean? We should have an urgent agenda to make sure that all is well with our soul. Is there coming a great spiritual awakening in the world? I do not know — however, there can be an outpouring of God’s Spirit within the hearts of those who want to be filled with God. Let us continue meditating on His Word as we ask Him to shield our heart and renew our mind.

The truth is that we cannot remove evil from the world. Prayers are powerful, but we cannot transform those who are filled with hatred nor change the terrible mess we are in. However, God can! What happened to the world? Humans refused to love and obey God. Another short and simple conclusion.

Unfortunately, Satan has influenced many to embrace evil. Yes, God can change and deliver anyone, but they must surrender their will and invite Him to make them into a brand-new creation. If there were ever a time to develop a daily lifestyle of prayer, it is now.

Repentance and holiness is the way to walk in God’s wisdom, peace and joy. Consider Philippians 4:8. Be careful — our environment is emotionally charged, and it’s easy to be drawn into the chaos. May we listen intently to the Holy Spirit and follow His guidance, remembering to examine our thoughts and be cautious with our words.

James chapter 3 declares how the tongue can be evil and filled with deadly poison. Sadly, we are seeing this all around us. So many dangerous assumptions and empty opinions. Help us, O God.

Dr. Billy Holland is a Christian author, freelance writer, outreach minister and community chaplain. To learn more, visit