
Perfectly delicious traditional pound cakes

By Olivia Fowler

For the Courier

ofowler@thepccourier. com

The reason I prefer traditional pound cake recipes is for the flavor, the richness, the moisture and the texture. And there is no substitute for real butter if you want to make a really good one.

If anyone can find a better chocolate pound cake recipe than my friend Jane’s, then send me a copy. It’s the very best.

My grandmama’s old fashioned pound cake recipe calls for a dozen eggs, real butter and a pound of

everything. There’s no substitute for anything, and it can easily feed 25 people.

And the lemon pound cake recipe is not run of the mill.

It’s near the top on the all-time favorites list.

If you’re cutting out sweets, don’t start until after you bake one of these cakes. You will not regret it.