
Central Clemson Rec hosts pickleball clinic

On Saturday, July 22, a pickleball clinic took place at Central Clemson Recreation Center (CCRC) in Central. CCRC member Gus Gustafson organized the event to introduce pickleball to beginners. He was assisted by six volunteers experienced in the game. Leading small groups were Christine Lightsey, Mike Fisher, Ned Coryell, Richard Lowe, Sandra Lowe and Laurie Sharrod, who shared topics such as safety, equipment, rules, scoring, player positions, strategies and serving techniques with participants. All participants had a chance to play as they learned. “We had 30 people, aged 8 to 78,” Gustafson said. “Everyone was enthusiastic, and they learned a lot. Thanks to CCRC for providing space and equipment for our event.” The clinic was open to the public and free of charge.
Pictured, from left, are Amy Bodie, Leah Bodie, instructor Ned Coryell, Richard “Gooch” O’Gooch, Emily O’Gooch and Jen O’Gooch learning to play pickleball at the CCRC clinic.