
Courier Letters to the Editor

Saitta says thanks and touts Market

Dear Editor,

I want to thank all for getting out to vote in the primary on Tuesday, June 11. I am humbled and thankful for all your support. Of all the county councilmen and council candidates up for election, you gave me the highest percentage vote. Additionally, the Pickens district had the highest voter turnout by far of the four council districts on the ballot.

Running for reelection, I knocked many doors, met some old friends, made some new ones and visited many stores and shops along the way. I was a guest on the Pickens Local podcast in late May. I got there early and was able to walk the grounds of the Market at the Mill.

I want to say how impressed I am by the investment David, Todd and the Hosea family put into the old and abandoned OWT plant. Surely they have put well over $1 million into the rehab. Nothing is cheap today. Just repairing and getting the sewer system right must have cost them a quarter of a million dollars. The plant sat vacant for six years.

So many businesses have started at the mill, have grown up and have since moved to Main Street Pickens. I was told it is up to nine so far. Keeping stores on and open on Main Street has always been a challenge, and the Market at the Mill has provided a minor league, so to speak, of feeder businesses for the city. It has not gone unnoticed. Thank you.

When I was asked, I was told there are 88 businesses at the Market at the Mill paying city business licenses and sales taxes. Impressive.

I like the indoor market, and it is now my flea market of choice. It is in town, indoors, has a better quality of merchandise, is open four days a week and now has air conditioning.

I do not want to overlook Bridge Brothers and their investment. The best I can tell is there are 50 to 60 employees there, making it one of the largest private employers in the city.

I’m looking forward to the grand reopening of the Market at the Mill later in the month, Saturday, July 20.  I’ve been to a couple of cruise-ins, too. I want to praise Barry Crawford for keeping what is going on at the Market at the Mill fresh and interesting.


Alex Saitta
