
Courier Legal Notices 2-12-25

CASE NO. 2024CP3900613

SOUTHSTATE BANK, N.A., a national banking association, Plaintiff, -vs- HESTER GENERAL STORE LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company; KATHERINE L. CHANEY, an individual; LEAH R. CHANEY, an individual, and CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY, as representative,

BY VIRTUE of a judgment heretofore granted in the case of SouthState Bank, N.A. v. Hester General Store LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, Katherine L. Chaney, an individual, Leah R. Chaney, an individual, and Corporation Service Company, as representative, I, Adam Lambert, Master in Equity, for Pickens County, will sell on March 3, 2025 at 11:00 am, at the Pickens County Courthouse, 214 E. Main Street, Pickens, SC 29671, to the highest bidder:

ALL that piece, parcel or lot of land, with all improvement’s thereon or hereafter constructed thereon, situate, lying and being in the County of Pickens, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated as Tract “C” containing 0.87 acres, more or less, as shown on a plat by Freeland & Associates, Inc., Surveyors, dated July 21, 2008 and revised September 16, 2008 and recorded in Plat Book 592 at Page 320 in the Register of Deeds for Pickens County, State of South Carolina. AND BEING MORE RECENTLY SHOWN on “ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR HESTER GENERAL STORE, LLC”, as “TRACT C”, containing 37,818 sq. ft., 0.868 acres, more or less, dated February 25, 2022, prepared by Freeland & Associates, Inc. Reference to said latter plat is hereby made for a more complete metes and bounds description thereof.
This being the same property conveyed unto Hester General Store, LLC, by deed
from Falcone Crawl Space & Structural Repair, LLC, recorded November 11, 2021, in Deed Book 2336 at Page 97 in the Register of Deeds for Pickens County, State of South Carolina.

TMS# 5131-02-98-2005

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1735 Hester Store Road, Easley, SC 29640


TERMS OF SALE: The successful bidder, other than the Plaintiff, will deposit with the Master in Equity at conclusion of the bidding, five (5%) of his bid, in cash or equivalent, as evidence of good faith, the same to be applied to purchase price in case of compliance, but to be forfeited and applied first to costs and then to Plaintiff’s debt in the case of noncompliance. Should the last and highest bidder fail or refuse to make the required deposit at the time of the bid or comply with the other terms or the bid within thirty (30) days, then the Master in Equity may resell the property on the same terms and conditions on some subsequent Sales Day (at the risk of the former highest bidder).

Should the Plaintiff, or one of its representatives, fail to be present at the time of sale, the property is automatically withdrawn from said sale and sold at the next available sales day upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale or any Supplemental Order.

NOTICE: The foreclosure deed is not a warranty deed. Interested bidders should satisfy themselves as to the quality of title to be conveyed by obtaining an independent title search
well before the foreclosure sale date.
The successful bidder will be required to pay interest on the amount of the bid from the date of sale to date of compliance with the bid at the rate of 8.500% per annum.


Chadwick Devlin, Esq.
South Carolina Bar No. 102229
1251 Avenue of the Americas,
37th Floor
New York, NY 10020
(212) 880-3800
Attorney for SouthState Bank, N.A.

Jan. 29, Feb 5, 12
To all persons claiming an interest in: 1959 – 14’ – Aluminum – Lonestar – scz072apo278 – sc0072ap lEE JONES will apply to SCDNR for title on watercraft/outboard motor. If you have any claim to the watercraft/outboard motor, contact SCDNR at (803) 734-3699. Upon thirty days after the date of the last advertisement if no claim of interest is made and the watercraft/outboard motor has not been reported stolen, SCDNR shall issue clear title.
Case No: 20240816950753

Feb 5, 12, 19
Notice of Self Storage Sale

Please take notice USA Storage Centers – Clemson 981 S Mechanic St Pendleton SC 29670 intends to hold an Auction of storage units in default of payment. The sale will occur as an Online Auction via on 3/4/2025 at 10:00 AM. This sale is pursuant to the assertion of lien for rental at the self-storage facility. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods, furnishings and garage essentials. Mayah Greene; Elizabeth Brown. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply.

Feb 12, 19
CIVIL ACTION NO. 2024-CP-39-00591

BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Pickens County, South Carolina, heretofore issued in the case of David Gilstrap, against James Gaines and Kayla A. Gaines, the Master in Equity for Pickens County, or his/her agent, will sell on April 7, 2025, at 11:00 A.M., at 214 East Main Street, Pickens, SC, to the highest bidder:

ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, southeast of the City of Easley, on the north side of S.C. Road No. 134, being known and designated as Lot No. 71, Section 2, Crestview Heights Subdivision, on plat of Craig Keith, Surveyor, dated August 1, 1963, of record in Plat Book 12 at page 109, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Pickens County, South Carolina and being more particularly described according to said plat as follows, to-wit:

Beginning at a joint on Belmont Circle, common corner of Lots 70 and 71, thence South 71-15 East 150 feet with the line of Lot 70 to an iron pin: thence South 16-02 West 110 feet with line of Lot 61 to an iron pin on Highway S39-134: thence along said Highway North 71-15 West 150 feet to a point where said Highway intersects with Belmont Circle; thence North 16-02 East 110 feet with line of Belmont Circle to a point, the same being the point of BEGINNING; this being a portion of the 11.85 acre tract conveyed to C.E. Duncan by Robert G. Nicholes, et al. for derivation see deed from C.E. Duncan to Lewis V. Morgan dated June 1, 1966, recorded in Volume 11-B,page 322, in the Register of Deeds Office for Pickens County, South Carolina.

DERIVATION: This is the identical property conveyed to David Gilstrap from the Estate of Willie Fant Gilstrap by Deed of Distribution dated November 20, 2023, and recorded November 27, 2023, in Deed Book 2611, at page 20 in the Register of Deeds Office for Pickens County, SC.

Physical Address: 100 Belmont Circle, Easley, SC 29642

Pickens County Tax Map No.: 5028-12-87-5051

TERMS OF SALE: FOR CASH. The Master in Equity will require a deposit of 5% of the bid amount in cash or certified funds, which is to be applied on the purchase price upon compliance with the bid. Interest on the balance of the bid at 3% shall be paid to the day of compliance. In case of noncompliance within 20 days, after the sale, the deposit of 5% is to be forfeited and applied to Plaintiff’s judgment debt and the property re-advertised for sale upon the same terms at the risk of the former highest bidder. Purchaser to pay for deed recording fees and deed stamps.

Deficiency judgment not being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the date of sale, but compliance with the bid may be made immediately.

Should Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s attorney, or Plaintiff’s agent fail to appear on the day of sale, the property shall not be sold but shall be re-advertised and sold at some convenient sales daythereafter when Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s attorney, or Plaintiff’s agent, is present.

The sale shall be subject to taxes and assessments, existing easements and easements and restrictions of record.

Any sale pursuant to this order is without warranty of any kind. Neither Plaintiff nor Court warrant title to any third-party purchaser. All third-party purchasers are made parties to this action and are deemed to have notice of all matters disclosed by the public record, including the status of title. See Ex parte Keller, 185 S.C. 283, 194 S.E. 15 (1937); Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Turner, 378 S.C. 147, 662 S.E.2d 424 (Ct. App. 2008).

Feb. 12, 19 , 26

Notice is hereby given that KLD Restaurant Co., LLC AKA Casa Lago Pizzeria intends to apply to the South Carolina Department of Revenue for a license and/or permit that will allow the sale and on premises consumption of beer, wine and liquor at 139 S. Main St., Six Mile, SC 29682. To object to the issuance of the licence and/or permit, submit an ABL-20 protest form by February 28, 2025. Submit the ABL-20 online at, or email to
                 Feb. 12, 19, 26