Pickens city council hears pastor’s traffic concerns
By Ben Robinson
Courier Staff
PICKENS — The Rev. Bill Pace gave an impromptu speech at Monday night’s Pickens City Council meeting, complaining about the amount of traffic on Catherine Street and how the many speed violators were making it dangerous for residents to go outside their homes.
Pace said people will often drive as fast as 60 miles per hour down the road.
“The many seniors who live on that road are now afraid to go outside,” Pace said.
Pace said he has called Pickens police “between 20 and 30 times” about the problem, but has yet to find a solution.
While the road is close to the site of the newly-built Pickens High School, Pace said the worst offenders are not teenagers.
“These are adults who should know better,” Pace said.
Pace said that many of the street’s resident are limited in their driving because of difficulty hearing.
“We need to stop them now,” Pace said of the speeders. “Write them a ticket. Fine them. Get in their pocketbook.”
Mayor David Owens agreed that that there is a traffic problem in Pickens.
“We do have a traffic problem, not just on Catherine Street,” Owens said.
But Owens said the city’s traffic problems are not due to a lack of effort.
“We are doing our job,” Owens said. “Could we do it better? Of course.”
Owens encouraged Pace to spend a few minutes with Pickens Police Chief Rodney Gregory and share his concerns in the hope that together the two could work out a solution.
City Administrator Katherine Hendricks noted that during a recent operation on Catherine Street only 30 cars of almost 2,600 were found to be speeding. Only 14 citations were issued.
No skateboarding
at amphitheater
Another problem dealt with at the meeting was the use of skateboards in the city’s new amphitheater. At the meeting, no one present knew of a place in city limits where skateboarding is legal, due to the danger and insurance problems.
City officials will start confiscating the boards to avoid accepting liability.
Yard Sales
Council also discussed yard sales. Currently, there are no city ordinances dealing with yard sales. Several city merchants who pay taxes for their right to do business in the city object to this.
“There have been some complaints,” Owens said. “We don’t regulate yard sales. It’s something we need to consider.”
Owens said some people abuse their freedom by holding yard sales every weekend. It was suggested that yard sales be limited to once a quarter.
Hendricks said she will put together some examples from neighboring towns regarding yard sale regulation and present her findings to council members.
Bad luck for Christmas Parade?
Council was asked if anybody had any objections to the town’s Christmas Parade being held, Dec. 13, which falls on a Friday.
“We believe in Jesus, so we’re not worried,” one councilman said.
Hendricks said the way the calendar worked this year, Friday the 13th would seem the ideal day for the parade. A week later would be Dec. 20, too close to Christmas for many. A week earlier would be Dec. 6, too early for most people’s tastes.
With no objections, the parade was set for Dec. 13.