
Thanksgiving Toys for Tots benefit planned at Central restaurant

CENTRAL — Thanksgiving tradition is alive and well in the town of Central, where the first annual benefit dinner for Toys for Tots will be held at the newest and most original downtown eatery. Beyond the Bull, sometimes referred to as a “gastro pub” is marketed as an eat smart kitchen where one can find an abundance of real food—that is, food that is made from scratch without the aid of additives, refined grains and sugar. Throw in locally produced game meats like North Carolina bison and Southeast Family Farms rabbit and you have a menu unlike any other in the upstate.

“Being away from family is the hardest part of living in the upstate,” says Chef Angela Bell, owner operator of the Bull. “When your family ties are all in New England, it’s time to start new family tradition,” which is what her husband, David, and she are about to do in downtown Central by joining in partnership with the Marine Corps Reserve, Pickens County Toys for Tots campaign. The Thanksgiving Day benefit will feature what one has come to expect for Thanksgiving dinner— turkey with all the trimmings. No venison that day, although according to Bell, venison was certainly on the table at the first Thanksgiving dinner. “Maybe next year,” Bell adds.

The Bull will offer two seatings in their 26 seat establishment located at the entrance to downtown, at 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., by advance reservation only. Dinner is $10 when accompanied by a new unwrapped toy for the children of Pickens County, distributed by the Salvation Army. The menu will include the Bull’s popular butternut bread pudding, Carolina turkey all natural breast meat au jus, cilantro lime sweet potatoes, roasted broccoli, and one of their signature dipping sauces and salsas.

“A Thanksgiving benefit dinner is the perfect way to kick off the Christmas holiday season and Central could become an annual destination just for that reason,” says Bell.

It is her hope that a successful event will lead to other restaurants in downtown Central joining in future years, perhaps leading to an annual downtown Thanksgiving Benefit Crawl.

For more information email Chef Bell at