Liberty earns $500k grant
LIEBRTY — The city of Liberty was recently awarded a $500,000 enrichment grant to be used for infrastructure and streetscape improvements on Commerce Street.
In a letter addressed to former Mayor Michael Sheriff, Gov. Nikki Haley announced the grant.
Sheriff, an architect by trade, designed the plans and provided the written narrative for the grant application, showing the proposed Commerce Street needs and enhancements.
“Applying for grants is a long and tedious process, but the hours of work have certainly paid off,” Sheriff said. “What is even more exciting is that there was only $1.5 million budgeted statewide for this grant pool and Liberty received 1/3 of the available budgeted funds.
“I would personally like to thank Senator Larry Martin and Representative Davey Hiott for their interest and support of Liberty in the pursuit of this grant.”
In anticipation of the chance that the city would win the grant, officials already escrowed 10 percent ($50,000) for the required matching funds to make the grant award possible.
The South Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is designed to provide assistance to general local government in improving economic opportunities and meeting community revitalization needs, particularly for cities of low and moderate income.
The CDBG program has been funded through the State since 1982 by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The Department of Commerce seeks to improve the well-being of all South Carolinians in a manner that supports and enhances a high quality of life. The State CDBG Program supports the agency’s efforts to strengthen communities through revitalization and improvement of neighborhoods, public infrastructure, and the local economy.