Easley City Council moves to complete Couch Lane project
By Ben Robinson, Courier Staff
EASLEY — Monday night, Easley City Council moved toward completing its project on Couch Lane by awarding a contract to Premier Constructors Inc. to install pedestrian lighting along the path.
Bids on the project originally opened in January, but were too high.
The city adjusted the project, reducing the number of light poles necessary. The project was funded with C-fund money, so it required very little city funds, administrator Fox Simons said.
Council approved the motion with a 6-0 vote.
Council also approved the annexation of property on Glenwood Road, adjacent to property formerly owned by the late Sarah Hamilton Meece.
Councilman Jim Robinson, who is representing the Meece estate, said it just made sense to bring the property inside city limits. It will have a residential zoning of R-10.
Council voted 5-0 to approve the annexation, with Robinson excusing himself as lawyer for the estate.
A special election will be held next month to fill the seat of recently resigned council member Kim Valentin.