
Pickens council asked to continue support for seniors

By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter

PICKENS — John Howard, who is working with the remodeling of the Pickens Senior Center at the former Hagood Elementary building, asked Pickens City Council for continued support during its meeting Monday night.

Howard said much of the success of the remodeling project came because Seniors Unlimited, the City of Pickens and the Pickens Revitalization Association has been working together to apply for grants. Matching funds have already been raised through donations.

For the next grant, the city faces a deadline of July 25.

Mayor David Owens said the funding would be the discussed at an upcoming city work session and should be approved easily by July 25.

In other business, council passed some changes to the city’s noise ordinance and approved an ordinance requiring fire key boxes on any new construction sites inside city limits.

If a lot has been vacant for six months, it would also require a fire key box. No keys from outside the city will work on the key boxes inside the city.

Council also passed an ordinance making its rules for signage inside the city limits the same as in the county.

“We never had an ordinance for our rules — we just used the county’s,” Owens said. “This just makes it official.”

Council also passed the Fair Housing Resolution, which must be passed annually in order to get CDC grants.

Council members also elected Heather Bruce and Derrick Craft to serve on the planning commission, replacing Donald Collins and Joey Morgan, respectively. In addition, Michelle Money was elected by council to serve on the Board of Architectural Review, replacing Mike Gould.

Councilman Carlton Holley reported that recreation summer camps were still going strong. Holly also mentioned that the department’s new volleyball court is now open.

Councilman Patrick Lark reported the Pickens Revitalization Association has moved into the Pickens Chamber of Commerce office.

Councilman Donnie McKinney promoted a barbecue coming July 18 at the Pickens Senior Center.