
Courier Community Calendar 8-13-14

• Sertoma Club invites locals to meet

 The Clemson Sertoma Club invites all interested local residents to attend its meetings. The club meets at noon the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Occasions at Wedgefield, located at 1551 Eighteen Mile Road in Central. New visitors are always welcome. Those interested are asked to call Randy Shaw at (864) 423-5469.

• Anderson reunion to be held August 24

The descendants of the late J.R. Anderson and Nancy “Nealy” Reece Anderson will have their annual reunion at Mountain Grove Baptist Church Fellowship building, August 24 at 1 p.m. Plates and cups will be furnished.

• Pickens-Liberty Lions plan meetings

 The Pickens-Liberty Lions Club is in need of new members. The club meets the first and third Thursday of every month at Pizza Inn in Pickens. Dinner begins at 6:40 p.m., and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. Meetings are open to anyone interested in joining the club or simply finding out more about the club and how it serves Pickens.

• Hudson reunion planned August 24

The annual Macajah Hudson reunion will be held on Aug. 24 at the Moose Lodge on S.C. Highway 8 west of Easley.

Lunch will be about 1 p.m. Paper goods and ice will be furnished. All friends and relatives are urged to attend.

• Soapstone to host fundraiser Saturday

Soapstone Church is inviting everyone to a special fundraiser at the church, located at 296 Liberia Road in Pickens, this Saturday. The event will feature fine cooking and will be held from noon-8 p.m.

Visitors will enjoy true Southern cooking including a fish fry, barbecue and fried chicken with all the fixings right from Mrs. Mabel’s kitchen.

For more information, call (864) 414-8470.