Easley Fall for the Arts planned this weekend
EASLEY — The fourth annual Fall for the Arts will be hosted by the Arts Council of Pickens County on Oct. 4 in conjunction with the Easley Farmer’s Market.
Committee members have planned a fun-filled day that will entertain everyone from the art entrepreneur to the person who may be viewing art for the first time.
Living artists will be on site demonstrating their skills and crafts during the day. Woodworking, caricature sketches, storytelling, painting and more will fill the tents of the living artists for the community to enjoy. Artists will be available to discuss the process through which they create pieces of art to sell or share with others.
Music will fill the fall air from the live performing artists on the steps of City Hall. Local dancers have been invited to showcase their talents as well on the main stage. The winners of the third annual Easley’s Rising Star will also perform.
Easley’s Rising Star is a talent contest open to any resident of Pickens County and Anderson School District One. The competition features vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers. Applications for Easley’s Rising Star can be obtained by contacting suzanne@foothillsdancearts.com.
Local school children will have art on display at the Starving Artist Café. The displayed art will be that of winners from a contest sponsored by Fall for the Arts. Winners will be presented with their prizes on the main stage during the festival.