Courier Letters to the Editor
Thank you to veterans
Dear Editor:
To all our veterans who have served in our armed forces of the United States of America, our family salutes each of you.
We know that freedom is not free and that each of you were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to protect this freedom we hold so dear.
Pickens County has a rich heritage of military heroes, and on this Veterans Day we wanted to say thank you and we appreciate your patriotism for our God-fearing nation.
To the families of soldiers who paid the ultimate price, know we will never forget what freedom cost you. The Creator of our universe also knows what freedom costs. He sent His Son Jesus to redeem mankind by paying for our sins upon an old rugged cross.
I pray you know Jesus as your Savior and His peace and true freedom He offers each of us. May God bless America again, and thank you veterans for your service.
Brad Dover