A berry happy place

Steve Lorch/Courier
Offering a wide variety of fruits and berries, the Happy Berry is located at 510 Gap Hill Road in Six Mile.
By Steve Lorch
For The Courier
SIX MILE — Even on a rainy day, The Happy Berry is a magical place.
Nestled in the foothills within 1,500 feet of Lake Keowee in Six Mile, this 22.5-acre farm is a fruit-lover’s paradise.
“We are a sustainable, environmentally friendly farm committed to providing the best quality, local food for the community,” Walker Miller said.
He owns and manages the land along with his wife, Ann, and daughters, Zoe and Betty-Ann.
As a former Clemson Extension plant pathologist, Miller knows what it takes to make plants “happy.” His wife worked for 33 years in animal science at Clemson. Together, it seems there is nothing the1 team can’t grow.

Courtesy Photo
Walker and Ann Miller have owned and operated The Happy Berry in Six Mile for more than 30 years.
“I started working in agriculture when I was 10 years old,” explained Miller.
“When most of my colleagues were investing in the stock market, I was setting money aside to buy this place. This is my 401k,” he said with a laugh.
Purchased in 1979, the land on which The Happy Berry sits was hand-selected for its natural ability to grow fruit.
“The lay of the land and the nearby lake serve as a buffer to help prevent spring frosts,” Miller said.
The first blueberry bushes were planted in 1981, and judging by their vigor, they do seem to favor the location.
The Happy Berry is a U-Pick farm, perfect for a weekend outing.
“We do offer several pre-picked items,” Ann said, “but we really like to encourage families to come out and pick together. That’s the fun part.”
Open to the public between June and October, the farm grows a variety of seasonal fruits. Blackberries, blueberries, figs, muscadines and goji berries are all on the menu.
“Our seedless table grapes are the best you’ve ever tasted,” Miller said. “People come for miles just for those.”
The farm also sells fresh eggs, woody stems and florals (from Christmas to Easter), and someday, daughter Zoe would like to have a small eatery on the premises.
At the height of the season, The Happy Berry is a pretty jumping place. It’s not uncommon to see 300 people there on a Saturday, so plan accordingly.
The Millers encourage environmentally friendly practices, so feel free to ride your bike to the farm. And if you happen to drive an electric car, they even have a free charging station for you.
The Happy Berry is located at 510 Gap Hill Road in Six Mile.
Hours are Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to dusk, Saturday 8 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday noon to dusk. The farm can be reached at (864) 350-9345 or (864) 868-2946.
For current picking conditions, visit thehappyberry.com.
If you know a local small business that would like to be featured in this column, please contact slorch@thepccourier.com.