Annual Central Railroad Festival is Saturday

CENTRAL — After being postponed in April, the Central Railroad Festival will pull into historic downtown Central on this Saturday, Oct. 17, with music, food and festivities for all ages.
You can find out all the details by getting this week’s Pickens County Courier. The Courier will feature the annual Central Railroad Festival Special edition.
In accordance with S.C. Department of Commerce requirements, the festival will operate under social distancing guidelines and best practices as issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). Visitors are required to wear a face mask, but may take off their masks to eat. Being seated at a designated food area while eating is also required.
The plans are subject to change dependent on the COVID-19 pandemic situation closer to the festival date. Updates will be given on the festival website at and the festival Facebook page.
The festival is set to begin at 10 a.m. and run until 3 p.m., featuring entertainment, food, music and arts and crafts vendors.
There will be free entertainment for all ages, including oldies, rock, jazz and bluegrass. In partnership with the Greater Clemson Music Festival, entertainment will be provided by Diedra, the Alabama Blues Queen, Michael Jacobs and the Sweet Potato Pie Kids. Kids’ stage entertainment will include local musician Rob Seel and Elevation Dance.
Kids’ activities include carnival games, a costume contest and trunk-or-treat. There will also be a train ride for the youngsters.
The Central Railway Museum will not be open this year; however, the Central Railway Model and Heritage Association will run a model train layout in the Central Fire Station, located downtown. There will be also be tours of the Central red caboose, which has been recently restored.
Central restaurants will be open on the day of the festival, and there will be street vendors offering festival favorites, including pizza and sweet treats.
Admission to the festival is free and convenient parking is available.
The Central Railroad Festival is sponsored by the Central Area Business Council and the Clemson Area Chamber of Commerce. The festival is supported by the town of Central and the Central Railway Museum.
For festival details, call (864) 654-1200 or visit the Central Railroad Festival website at or the festival’s Facebook page. Check back next week for the Courier’s annual Railroad Festival special section.
For details about the Greater Clemson Music Festival, visit