Ayers signs as long jumper with SWU
LIBERTY — Liberty High School’s Amber Ayers recently signed a national letter of intent with Southern Wesleyan University, where she will be competing in the long jump.
Not only has Ayers received three varsity letters and two most valuable player awards in track, she has received four letters in both volleyball and basketball. During volleyball season, Liberty placed second in the state. Her personal record for long jump is 16’ 3″, and last year she placed

Amber Ayers recently signed her national letter of intent to participate in track and field at Southern Wesleyan University. Pictured are Ken Ayers, Bobby Carver, Vicky Ayers, Amber Ayers and Shirley Carver.
sixth in the state.
Ayers, dedicated to her performance on the field, is very involved in extracurricular activities and has managed to be a member of the National Honors Society and Beta Club. Her leadership skills have allowed her to be a Palmetto Girls State alternate, a member of Pickens County Youth Court, FCA leader, treasurer and an active member of the Liberty’s chorus program.
“I am so proud of the young leader I have seen Amber develop into the past few months,” Liberty girls’ track coach Stefanie Wagner said. “She has always been dedicated to the sport of jumping, but this year she opened up to others on the team to share her wealth of knowledge. It takes a true dynamic athlete to give it their all every day at practice, and come to each meet with a willing and passionate outlook as Amber does. Our track team will not be the same next year. We may have been small, but thanks to Amber, we were mighty.”